“The fifth angel sounded his shofar; and I saw a star that had fallen out of heaven onto the earth, and he was given the key to the shaft leading down to the Abyss” (Revelation 9:1).
When the fifth messenger blows his shofar, a fallen star is given a key to the shaft leading down to the Abyss. The only ‘star’ to have fallen out of heaven onto the earth is called ‘the morning star’ (Isaiah 14:12). This ‘star’ wanted to raise its throne above Adonai’s stars, sit on the Mount of Assembly, rise past the tops of the clouds and make itself like the Most High. Instead, this ‘star’ is brought down to Sh’ol, the uttermost depths of the pit. Though there are many ideas as to who or what this ‘star’ is, Yeshua reveals its identity to his disciples: “Yeshua said to them, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven” (Luke 10:18).
From the time the Adversary fell from his position of guarding the sanctuary of Adonai, he still had the ability to move around the realms of heaven and earth (2 Corinthians 12:2). After going ‘to and fro’ on the earth, he enters the heavenly throne room with the ‘sons of God’ and to challenge Job’s righteous life (Job 1:6-12). Now, the Adversary will no longer have access to the sanctuary to the Most High; he will no longer be able to accuse the ‘brothers’ (Revelation 12:10). He is given the key to the Abyss where many of his cohorts have been “bound with everlasting chains for the Judgment of the Great Day” (Jude 6). The ‘great day’ has arrived and he is given the key to release his demonic armies.
“He opened the shaft of the Abyss, and there went up smoke from the shaft like the smoke of a huge furnace; the sun was darkened, and the sky too, by the smoke from the shaft. Then out of the smoke onto the earth came locusts, and they were given power like the power scorpions have on earth” (Revelation 9:2-3).
Thick smoke rises from the shaft that is so thick it darkens the sun and the sky. The Hebrew word for ‘smoke’ is ashan, but the word translated fro ‘smoke’ in this verse means ‘steam;’ the Greek is kapnos and means ‘smoke.’ The prophet Isaiah says, “wickedness burns like fire, it devours briars and thorns; it sets the forest underbrush ablaze, with clouds of smoke whirling upward” (Isaiah 9:17). This shaft of great wickedness will spew out like smoke or steam those spirits ‘under the earth.’ They will come forth for their last ‘hurrah.’ The power of the the Adversary in his final days will be so great that he will deceive billions.
A time is coming when the spiritual realm will become a physical reality. Those things like the locusts, the riders, and the horses that have been unseen and hidden will be revealed in a very specific way (Luke 8:17). How that happens remains to be seen. What follows is my interpretation from what I glean from Scripture.
From the smoke comes a swarm of locusts. When green plants are plentiful, locusts begin to breed and gather together into ravenous swarms that can be larger than 450 square miles. The desert locust, found in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia, can cover one-fifth of the earth’s’ land surface affecting one billion people. They devastate crops creating famine that leads to starvation. Just as in the days of Pharaoh, there will be a plague of locusts, an army of supernatural creatures from the Abyss, and they will have a different appetite.
“They were instructed not to harm the grass on the earth, any green plant or any tree, but only the people who did not have the seal of God on their foreheads. The locusts were not allowed to kill them, only to inflict pain on them for five months; and the pain they caused was like the pain of a scorpion sting. In those days people will seek death but will not find it; they will long to die, but death will elude them” (Revelation 9:4-6).
These locusts will not harm grass, green plants or trees. They will only inflict pain on people who do not have the seal of Elohim on their forehead. The Greek word for ‘seal’ is sphragis and means ‘signet ring’. The Greek word for ‘forehead’ is metapon and literally means ‘after the eye.’ The ‘sealed’ are those people who are either being ‘watched’ by Elohim or always have their ‘eye’ on Him. A ‘seal’ is put on the heads of those who grieve over the abominations done in the city of Jerusalem (Ezekiel 9:4).
In the Hebrew letter pictures, the last letter of the alef-bet is tav and means ‘seal’ or ‘covenant. This ‘seal’ is a ‘sign’ exemption from Adonai’s judgment. It is written by the Hand of Adonai as His ‘signet ring’ or ‘signature’ on the forehead of His people. The powerful stinging spree of these locusts is limited to five months. For five months, everyone on earth except the ‘sealed’ of Adonai will be tortured by the sting of this army of locusts.
“Now these locusts looked like horses outfitted for battle. On their heads were what looked like crowns of gold, and their faces were like human faces. They had hair like women’s hair, and their teeth were like those of lions. Their chests were like iron breastplates, and the sound their wings made was like the roar of many horses and chariots rushing into battle. They had tails like those of scorpions, with stings; and in their tails was their power to hurt people for five months. They had as king over them the angel of the Abyss, whose name in Hebrew is “Abaddon” and in our language, “Destroyer” (Revelation 9:7-11).
Yochanan describes the locusts as looking like horses prepared for war. They wore golden crowns representing their great authority; they had human warrior faces. They had long, flowing hair like that of a woman.
Sha’ul teaches that a man with long hair degrades himself because long hair is given to a woman for her glory (2 Corinthians 13:14). Pliny, a first-century historian, wrote that the Arabians had long hair, and the Persians had long hair and were called a ‘shaggy bear.’ There is an Arabic proverb in which the antennae of locusts are compared to girls’ hair(Jamieson-Fausset-Brown). These warriors looking like women was worth noting as men who went into battle did not generally have long hair.
Their lion-like teeth tear at flesh like a carnivorous animal. The prophet Joel describes this ‘nation,’ “For a mighty and numberless nation has invaded my land [Isra’el]. His teeth are lion’s teeth; his fangs are those of a lioness. He has reduced my vines to waste, my fig trees to splinters — he plucked them bare, stripped their bark and left their branches white” (Joel 1:6). These creatures eating human flesh would bring horrific pain; however, it could even be a flesh-eating plague is injected with their scorpion-like sting. It The Nephilim in the Book of Enoch ate the flesh of humans and drank blood.
At I write this article, I am in Las Vegas visiting my son. Until two days ago, I had actually never seen a scorpion, but one was spotted on the baseboard of his bathroom. It was very tiny, and its clear color allowed it to camouflage with the wall.
Scorpions have a venomous bite; however, most stings are not lethal to humans. Lethal stings are only dangerous when there is limited access to medical treatment. Scorpions, in the spider family, like to hide in rotting logs and leaves, snack on other insects especially cock roaches. They are always looking for something to drink and love darkness –– they actually glow in the dark. In the darknes of the the Day of Adonai, these demonic creatures will ‘glow.’
The power of these locust-warriors is in their scorpion-like sting. It doesn’t cause death, but brings tremendous pain that those who are stung will want to die. They won’t be able to die; they will only writhe in pain.
One commentary said that these locusts teach false doctrines and deceive the masses, but false doctrines do not cause people to writhe in pain; plagues and their results do. Nearly 18 months after millions of people were injected with the Covid19 vaccine, it has brought ‘writhing in pain’ to hundreds of thousands. Immune disorders such as Guillain Barr that attacks the neurological system make adults, children, and even babies shake and quiver for the rest of their lives. Myocarditis, a rare heart inflammation, has become epidemic since the vaccine in young as well as old people. Fertility issues and miscarriage with women are on the rise. Every victim that lives say they ‘just want their life back.’ This ‘scorpion sting’ has changed their God-given DNA, and this isn’t even the ‘scorpion sting’ from the Abyss.
There are numerous world leaders whose evil intentions come from the ‘the pit’ –– the Abyss. In order to maintain global health, they want a a universal vaccine –– the literal sting of a needle. As they rush to create a vaccine, there will be few real studies and the human race will become guinea pigs. I listened to one doctor talk about a vaccine created in 1976 that paralyzed nearly everyone who received it!
Until recently, I would never considered the locusts creatures anything but a demonic presence on earth that exerts extraordinary pain over people. With the recent Covid19 plague, I see the scorpion sting as more than a demonic presence. These demonic warriors won’t carry a sword to control the world, but a sting.
It is possible that these demonic warriors swarm around the world possessing global leaders to do their bidding. A demonically-possessed economic, medical, and governmental brigade that forces a concoction of ‘poison’ into certain humans that doesn’t cause them to die, but tortures them until they fully submit to the ‘beast’ (Zechariah 14:12-13).
These demon warriors have wings and swarm. The Hebrew word for ‘wing’ is kanaph and can also mean ‘the edges of a garment.’ Though Yeshua rises with ‘healing in the ‘edges of his garment,’ these creatures will not. They rise up and everywhere they fly, they will cause illness. Whether these ‘wings’ are actual wings or they have some sort of flying machine, they move quickly wherever they want to go, take authority, and damage humanity.
The sound of the warriors’ wings roars like horses with chariots rushing into battle. These demonic warriors could use drones to seek out those who need to be stung. Not long ago, drones were being flown over western parts of the United States and no one claimed responsibility, even the U.S. military. At the outbreak of the Wuhan virus in the U.S., they disappeared. Whatever happens with these warriors from the Abyss, Elohim allows the sting and the ensuing plague to create a great panic that will cause chaos.
The demon warriors have chests like iron. For those who body build, this could me they have ‘abs,’ but it could also refer to their incredible strength. I personally believe their iron chests suggest they are hard-hearted or have no heart. They operate with cruelty and without compassion because they are not human.
Months later I am in Alaska and reading about the president unveiling a vaccine by the end of the year –– 2020. There will be several hundred million vials manufactured so that the entire United States population can be vaccinated. He is not only working with the Centers for Disease Control DC and National Institute for Health, he is working with the United States military to administer the vaccine.
‘Demonic’, though specifically evil, means ‘fiercely energetic or frenzied.’ The plan for unraveling several million doses of vaccine has been named “Operation Warp Speed.” Even the name suggests a ‘demonic’ side to this ‘operation.’ Putting a vaccine into the hands of warriors who ‘become fiercely frenzied’ as they make sure every person in the United States is ‘stung’ could become a wild ride for anyone who refuses the ‘sting.’ The only way to avoid the ‘sting’ is to have the mark of Adonai.
Believers should be praying for Adonai to reveal His mark that will be on their foreheads –– completely different from the ‘mark of the beast.’ As the months pass in 2021, those who receive the ‘sting’ are ‘marked’ in the world. Vaccine passports allow those with the ‘sting’ to live a ‘normal’ life while those without the ‘sting’ will be shut out. Whether or not this ‘sting’ is related to the ‘mark of the beast’ is unknown. However, this ‘sting’ may be the testing ground for what is prophesied to come out of the Abyss. This ‘sting’ may be a test of faith: either one stands for the Healer or succumbs to the demonic forces.
The warrior demons have a king whose name in Hebrew is Abbadon meaning ‘doom,’ ‘place of destruction’ or ‘realm of the dead.’ In Greek Abbadon is Apollyon which is not a place, but the name of the fallen angel guarding the bottomless pit. This fallen angel brings forth spiritual oppression and a desire for self-beauty. Some believe Apollyon is the the Adversary himself or his ‘seed,’ the anti-messiah. The ‘destroyer’ leads the locust-type warriors into a global battle bringing forth months of torment and horror never seen in the history of the world. The prophet Joel gives more details about these warrior demons and how they take over the earth:
“Blow the shofar in Tziyon! Sound an alarm on my holy mountain!” Let all living in the land tremble, for the Day of Adonai is coming! It’s upon us! — a day of darkness and gloom, a day of clouds and thick fog; a great and mighty horde is spreading like blackness over the mountains. There has never been anything like it, nor will there ever be again, not even after the years of many generations. Ahead of them a fire devours, behind them a flame consumes; ahead the land is like Gan-‘Eden, behind them a desert waste. From them there is no escape. They look like horses, and like cavalry they charge. With a rumble like that of chariots they leap over the mountaintops, like crackling flames devouring stubble, like a mighty horde in battle array. At their presence the peoples writhe in anguish, every face is drained of color. Like warriors they charge, they scale the wall like soldiers. Each one keeps to his own course, without getting in the other’s way. They don’t jostle each other, but stay on their own paths; they burst through defenses unharmed, without even breaking rank. They rush into the city, they run along the wall, they climb up into the houses, entering like a thief through the windows. At their advance the earth quakes, and the sky shakes, the sun and moon turn black, and the stars stop shining” (Joel 2:1-10).
“The first woe has passed, but there are still two woes to come” (Revelation 9:12)
“The sixth angel sounded his shofar, and I heard a voice from the four horns of the gold altar before God, saying to the sixth angel, the one with the shofar, “Release the four angels that are bound at the great river Euphrates!” And they were released. These four angels had been kept ready for this moment, for this day and month and year, to kill a third of mankind; and the number of cavalry soldiers was two hundred million! — I heard the number” (Revelation 9:13-16).
When the sixth messenger blows his shofar, a voice from the four horns of the golden Altar speaks. The Altar of Incense in the earthly Tabernacle was acacia wood overlaid with gold while the Altar of Sacrifice was made of bronze. The four horns had a specific purpose: to bind the sacrifice to the Altar. With the release of four angels at the Euphrates River, one-third of mankind was going to be ‘sacrificed.’
These angels have been bound for this moment in time –– this specific day, month, and year. The Hebrew word is zaman and means ‘fixed time,’ not an ‘appointed time.’ Because there are ‘times’ for everything under heaven, this zaman is no different (Ecclesiates 3:1). Some suggest that this ‘fixed time’ is Passover because it is references the fourteenth day of the first month at midnight. If this is a reference to an ‘appointed time’ on Elohim’s calendar, it would not be in spring, but in fall as these ‘appointed times’ have not been fulfilled.
Yom Teruah is a ‘fixed time:’ first day of the seventh month at the sighting of the new moon. The Feast of Trumpets is commemorated by blowing the shofar. For the ten days between Yom Teruah and the Day of Atonement, the shofar is blown. As judgment shofar blasts, these could be the second woe.
The Days of Awe are known as the ‘ten days of repentance.’ This is a ‘fixed time’ not only for individual repentance, but for Isra’el’s national repentance. IThe days of these ten shofar blasts could refer to the days of repentance that Elohim gives, but mankind still refuses to repent. Though it would not be a specific ‘appointed time,’ the ‘Days of Awe,’ could be the ‘fixed time.’
Though Greek is translated into a specific number of cavalry soldiers –– 200 million –– the actual Greek words translate as myriads and myriads –– a number too great to count. The same Greek words are used for the number of angels in heaven –– a number too vast to count (Revelation 5:11). These mounted horsemen are sent out to kill 2.5 billion more people as 2.5 billion were already killed by plague, famine, and wild animals. With a global population of nearly 8 billion, killing 5 billion is a massive number of people.
The Hebrew word for ‘bound’ means ‘chained’ or ‘banned.’ These beings who were ‘chained’ are the disobedient, fallen angels: “And the angels that did not keep within their original authority, but abandoned their proper sphere, he has kept in darkness, bound with everlasting chains for the Judgment of the Great Day” (Jude 6).
These demonic beings have been ‘bound’ by the Euphrates River which runs though Babylon, present-day Iraq. Babylon will become the central hub for global economic, political, and religious systems In ancient times, the area between the Euphrates and Tigris Rivers was known as Mesopotamia. Abraham was living in Ur, a city in Sumer in southern Mesopotamia when Elohim called him to leave and go to a ‘land he would be shown.’
In order to understand the spiritual war that occurred in heaven, a type and shadow of the Adversary is revealed through the King of Babylon (Isaiah 14). Babylon is steeped in a religious system that is always at war with Isra’el. Though it has similar roots in Abraham, its lineage follows the descendants of Ishmael, not Isaac. Its eschatology is in direct opposition of Biblical eschatology; its ‘deliverer’ is the antithesis of Yeshua or the anti-messiah.
“Here is how the horses looked in the vision: the riders had breastplates that were fire-red, iris-blue and sulfur-yellow; the horses’ heads were like lions’ heads; and from their mouths issued fire, smoke and sulfur. It was these three plagues that killed a third of mankind — the fire, smoke and sulfur issuing from the horses’ mouths. For the power of the horses was in their mouths — and also in their tails, for their tails were like snakes with heads, and with them they could cause injury” (Revelation 9:17-19)
The multitude of cavalry will come from the east, not China as some suggest, but the Middle East. They will have the power to kill another 2 billion people. With a global population of 8 billion people and the killing of 7 billion, this leaves only 1 billion people alive, though some of these events may happen simultaneously. While Adonai declares the ‘beginning from the end’ and can see multiple events at the same time, Yochanan can only witnesses these spiritual end time events through his limited understanding (Isaiah 46:10).
These riders wear multi-colored breastplates of heavy armor like ‘chain mail.’ In Greek, red, purple, and yellow, is ‘fire and jacinth, and brimstone.’ ‘Fire’ suggests the color red, but the chain mail could literally be on fire. Jacinth is a deep blue and was one the stone in the breastplate of the High Priest for the Tribe of Gad meaning ‘troops.’ The final color is ‘brimstone’ which is bright, clear and yellow like sulfur. Sulfur is used to ignite matches for starting fires. ‘Fire and brimstone’ rained down on Sodom and Gomorrah as a judgment; these ‘troops’ use the same power to judge the world.
The fire, smoke, and sulfur comes through their horses’ mouths –– like a dragon, they breathe fire. With lion heads and venomous-headed snake tails, these ‘troops’ ignite fires killing another third of mankind. The Hebrew word for ‘power’ had several meanings: euthanasia and ‘gassing in a killing facility.’ These horses and riders perfect mass murder.
“The rest of mankind, those who were not killed by these plagues, even then did not turn from what they had made with their own hands — they did not stop worshiping demons and idols made of gold, silver, bronze, stone and wood, which cannot see or hear or walk. Nor did they turn from their murdering, their involvement with the occult and with drugs, their sexual immorality or their stealing” (Revelation 9:20-21).
The remaining population not killed by ‘infectious epidemics’ –– one billion people –– still did not ‘repent’ and turn back to Elohim. They are reprobate and corrupt; they continue to ‘murder, assassinate, steal, and whore. They practice witchcraft and worship demons by setting up idols made of gold, silver, bronze, stone, and wood.
The Greek translates the word ‘witchcraft’ as ‘sorcery.’ The Greek word for ‘sorcery’ is pharmakos and means ‘poisoner.’ From pharmakos comes pharmacon or ‘pharmacy’ and means ‘drug.’ A sorcerer ‘poisons people with drugs.’ Sorcery can also mean ‘to drug people into living by their illusions –– using supernatural powers to manipulate Elohim into giving them temporal possessions’ (Strongs Concordance, #5333.). Pharmaceuticals are really legalized drugs. People will be deceived by pharmaceuticals whether it is illusions it creates or the false sense of having physical health. With the injection of the Covid ‘vaccine,’ many people describe hallucinations after receiving the ‘shot in the arm’.
This calls for ‘wisdom on the part of Adonai’s holy people.’
Chapter 10 – The Little Scroll
©2020 Tentstake Ministries Publishing, all rights reserved. No copying or reproducing of this article without crediting the author or Tentstake Ministries Publishing.