“For your businessmen were the most powerful on earth, all the nations were deceived by your magic spell” (Revelation 19:23, ).
This past Monday night, a young man playing professional football on national television collapsed on the field from cardiac arrest. This young man who plays for the Buffalo Bills is screened regularly for health issues and has been throughout his football career. In the aftershocks of the event, the media began espousing that he had a hit to the chest and the condition they claimed he had was rare.
After watching soccer players and other athletes throughout the past two years collapse and an announcer at the World Cup fall over dead while on the air (another one died in his sleep) –– none of whom were hit in the chest –– there can only be one honest reason why this young, healthy man unexpectedly and suddenly died. Of course, within moments of the event, youtube had doctors stating emphatically that the vaccine had no part in his collapse. How did they know so quickly when the doctors on the field were still working to revive him? Was there a contingency plan for this very occurrence? Why would doctors suddenly be defending the vaccine when it may very well be the cause of this man’s heart stopping? Is this honesty with millions of people? Or, was the shock value enough to continue to deceive the masses?
I have two sons. One son is a computer programmer; the other is a chiropractor who has a degree in human biology, and has intensely studied physiology, biochemistry, and nutrition, all courses no longer studied by modern allopathic doctors. In other words, your local and friendly primary care physician probably doesn’t even have the medical background to understand the different chemicals put into the human body and their effects. What he/she does know is how to prescribe pharmaceuticals to fix symptoms of disease, not cure the root ailment.
In Revelation, the word ‘sorcery’ or ‘witchcraft’ is used several times. Each time, the Greek word translated to ‘sorcery’ is pharmakeia and means “the use of medicine, drugs or magic spells.” More specifically, pharmakeia is used in Revelation 9:21 for ‘poison’ which includes hallucinations. Pharmakeus is the noun and from where pharmacist comes and means ‘poisoner.’ Pharmaceutical companies owned by the big businessmen of the world are leading the entire world astray with ‘drugs’ touted by pharmacists that actually ‘poison’ the human body.
When the Covid vaccine began circulating as mass clinical trials on the public, I listened to an interesting conversation between my two sons. The computer programmer said that when a string of code is programmed, anything can be embedded in that code –– including a computer virus, a virus programmed to start sometime in the future. He also said that no one has ever created a code without errors. If he is hiring someone for a position and they claim they can write perfect code, he doesn’t hire them. No one is perfect and all codes have a margin of error. He believes that within several years, there will be ads on television telling people who were vaccine injured to call a number for legal help and restitution for their vaccine injury.
My younger son explained that the same thing can happen in a string of protein code in any created pharmaceutical mRNA. It can and will have errors. And, no one knows exactly what could be or is programmed into the protein code of the Covid 19 vaccine. He said that the mRNA –– or memory RNA –– could turn against the human body’s immune system and create all sorts of autoimmune diseases. He expected to see those increase in the next few years.
Dr. Tenpenny, an immunologist, not only said the same thing as my son, but explains exactly how autoimmune diseases will occur. She even discusses how the vaccine manufacturers have used ingredients not ever used in a vaccine before and one manufacturer will not even disclose everything in their vaccine. Dr. Tenpenny explains the biochemistry of the Covid vaccine and how it works against the human body’s immune system creating auto-immune diseases that will kill.
There have been millions of vaccine injured people since the Covid vaccine rollout. Their injuries can be found listed on the CDC’s VAERS website. Some people experience minor issues while others’ lives are affected forever. Thousands upon thousands of others have died from the jab. Recently the FDA admitted that the spike protein can and does cause myocarditis (inflammation of the heart), heart attacks, cardiac arrests, strokes and other blood disorders.
For many globally, their human bodies are forever changed through the mRNA that eventually becomes part of their DNA with each subsequent booster, and it’s too late to return to ‘normal.’ With each additional shot, medical studies show that the immune system continues to break down and become less effective at fighting disease, even the minor variants of the original Covid 19.
In Revelation chapter 9, there is reference to a ‘scorpion’ that comes up from the Abyss that ‘stings’ the body. Whether this particular jab is from the ‘scorpion’ or just the precursor to something even more sinister, time will tell. Either way, it is important for those who put their faith in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob to know what the ‘seal of God’ is; more specifically, study the Word so when the lie comes, the Truth is evident. These are the protections offered from this great army of ‘locusts’ that will inflict pain upon the whole world for five months. This is when wisdom is needed by those who follow Yeshua of Nazareth and trust in their divinely created immune system.
So, why can’t what happened to the NFL player be caused by the vaccine? Because it doesn’t fit the narrative of the powerful big business owners that are out to deceive the whole world through their drugs and poisons. The battle is no longer a physical battle as that one is all but lost upon billions of people. The battle is spiritual. It is a battle for the soul of humanity. It is a battle for the minds of human beings. It is a battle for continued global submission to the one who comes to steal, kill, and destroy through the ‘sorceries’ of big Pharma. It is a battle that will bring forth a leader who is lawless and desires to destroy any and all things of God.
“For who has known the mind of Adonai? Who will counsel him? But we have the mind of the Messiah!” (1 Corinthians 2:16).
©2021 Tentstake Ministries