Adonai created heavenly beings called angels. Archangels are the highest ranking angels and answer only to Adonai. Several are known in Scripture by the names: Micha’el, Gabri’el, Rapha’el, and Uri’el. These archangels are the generals in Adonai’s army and engage in spiritual warfare. Micha’el, the chief of the archangels, comes to Daniel’s rescue and explains that there are regions under divine protection (Daniel 10:3). The archangels take authority over one keruv (cherub) when he wants to dispute the body of Moshe (Jude 1:9).
Keruvim or ‘cherubim’ are a lower hierarchy than archangels. Keruvim are angelic security guards. They guard the entrance to the Garden of Eden with swords and protect the Throne of Adonai. Two keruvim sit atop the Ark of the Covenant with their wings spread as they guard the ‘Throne of Adonai.’
The prophet Ezekiel had two encounters with keruvim and describes their appearance. Each keruv had straight legs and feet like a calf’s hoof that sparkled like polished bronze. They had four wings: two wings touched each other and two others touched the wing of another keruv. Under their wings they had four human hands. Their whole body including their back, hands, and wings, was covered with eyes. The movement of their wings sounded like the voice of Adonai. Each keruv had four faces: a keruv, a man, a lion, and an eagle.
Each had wheels that sparkled like topaz or beryl and were also covered with eyes. The wheels were like a wheel within a wheel that had high rims moving in all four directions. The spirit of the living beings was in the wheels, rising wherever the keruv moved and lowering when the keruv stopped. The keruvim rushed back and forth like bolts of lightning that looked like bright fire and hot coals (Ezekiel chapters 1 and 10).
A Special Keruv
“‘You put the seal on perfection; you were full of wisdom and perfect in beauty; you were in ‘Eden, the garden of God; covered with all kinds of precious stones — carnelians, topaz, diamonds, beryl, onyx, jasper, sapphires, green feldspar, emeralds; your pendants and jewels were made of gold, prepared the day you were created. You were a keruv, protecting a large region; I placed you on God’s holy mountain. You walked back and forth among stones of fire” (Ezekiel 28:12-14, Complete Jewish Bible).
One guardian keruv was placed in the Garden of Eden. This keruv was full of wisdom, perfect, and beautiful to behold. The Hebrew word for ‘perfect’ is tamim meaning ‘full of integrity.’ Precious stones were created to cover (mesukkah) him like a garment. He was clothed in carnelian, topaz, diamonds, beryl, onyx, jasper, sapphire, green feldspar, and emeralds –– stones like those on the High Priest’s breastplate and the 12 foundations of the New Jerusalem. This keruv was also given ‘gold pendants and jewels.’ The Orthodox Jewish Bible translates ‘pendants and jewels made of gold’ as ‘hand drums’ and ‘wind instruments.’
This keruv was ‘anointed’ to guard and protect God’s holy mountain in the heavenly Jerusalem. With full access to the Sanctuary of Adonai, this keruv worshiped Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh at His Throne with tambourines, flutes, and other woodwinds. The prophet Isaiah calls this keruv the ‘morning star’ (Isaiah 14:12). In Hebrew, the word ‘star’ is helel and means ‘Shining One.’ Helel is the root of ‘halleluyah’ which is the reason many believe this keruv led worship in the heavenly Sanctuary.
The Latin word ‘lucifer’ comes from lux meaning ‘light’ and fero meaning ‘to carry’ and is used only in the King James Bible. Lucifer, the ‘light bringer’ is used for ‘the dawn’ (Psalm 110:3), ‘some constellation’ (Job 38:32), and ‘morning star’ referring to Venus (2 Peter 1:19); it is not the proper name of this keruv.
The ‘Shining One’ walked back and forth among stones of fire. There are many references related to fire when being in the presence of Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh. He appeared as a fire in the bush that didn’t burn when He called Moshe. He was in the fire on top of Mount Sinai when He met with the Israelites. He was in a pillar of fire that protected the Israelites, and Daniel sees the Throne of Adonai as ‘fiery flames’ (Daniel 7:9).
The prophet Ezekiel describes the appearance of keruvim like fiery coals, burning like a torch (Ezekiel 1:13). Psalm 104:4 says Adonai makes His ‘servants,’ malakim or angels, a flame of fire. The ‘Shining One’ among ‘fiery stones’ could mean that he merely walked with the angels in the heavenly ‘burning’ Sanctuary of Adonai. Enoch, a pre-flood prophet, walked with Adonai and was ‘taken’ to a place where stones of fire burned day and night, a description of the angelic realm.
The ‘Shining One’ was perfect from the day he was created until unrighteousness was found in him (Ezekiel 28:15). The Hebrew uses the word ‘iniquity’ –– premeditated and intentional sin –– suggesting his iniquity ran so deep that he purposely brought sin into the heavenly realm.
“How did you come to fall from the heavens, morning star, son of the dawn?” (Isaiah 14:12).
The ‘Shining One’s’ beauty became corrupted and his wisdom was perverted with an insatiable pride. The Hebrew word for ‘pride’ is ga’own and means ‘arrogant.’ In his arrogance, the ‘Shining One’ desired to scale the heavens, raise his throne above God’s stars. He wanted to sit on the Mount of Assembly far away in the north, rise above the tops of the clouds, and make himself like the Most High (Isaiah 14:13, Psalm 48:1-3).
“‘Your commerce grew, you became filled with violence; and in this way you sinned” (Ezekiel 28:16).
The Hebrew word ‘commerce’ is rekullah and means ‘trade’ and ‘peddle.’ What was the ‘son of the dawn’ peddling? He peddled the promise of a greater heavenly position to those malakim that would submit to him. He peddled rebellion against the Kingdom of Adonai in order to set up his own kingdom. What did the ‘morning star’ trade? He traded truth for a lie, wisdom for ignorance, light for darkness, beauty for sin, and death for life.
“You became filled with violence; and in this way you sinned. Therefore I have thrown you out, defiled, from the mountain of God; I have destroyed you, protecting keruv, from among the stones of fire. Your heart grew proud because of your beauty, you corrupted your wisdom for the sake of your splendor” (Ezekiel 28:16-17).
The pride of the ‘Shining One’ brought him down to Sh’ol, the holding place for the wicked until the Day of Judgment. He became filled with violence. The Hebrew word for ‘violence’ is avel and means ‘injustice.’ The ‘Shining One’s’ injustice was violent; his sin of rebellion defiled him and everything he touched. The Hebrew word for ‘defile’ is chalal and means ‘profane.’ The ‘Shining One’ profaned the holiness of the angelic realm; the holiness of the Sanctuary. Adonai could no longer trust this keruv to protect His Throne and His holy mountain.
He threw him out of the heavenly Sanctuary as a profane, common, unholy thing. Even his music was thrown out with him: “Your pride has been brought down to Sh’ol with the music of your lyres” (Isaiah 14:11). Adonai had to destroy the ‘Shining One.’ The Hebrew word for ‘destroy is abad and means ‘to be blotted out.’ This keruv had to be ‘blotted out;’ his heavenly angelic name unknown forever.
Yeshua witnessed the entire event that happened in a moment: “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven” (Luke 10:18). The ‘Shining One’ became known as satan in Hebrew, not as a name, but ‘a temptation that must be overcome’ –– the Adversary. His shining stones turned into the shimmering scales of a serpent. He came to Havah in the Garden as a deceiver where he once was the protecting keruv. She had to choose whether she was going to ‘trade’ with him; whether the goods he was ‘peddling’ were worth the price.
Hebrew Word Pictures
Satan – satan – שתן
ש Shin – A Tooth means ‘consume’ and ‘destroy.’
ט Tet – A Snake means ‘twisting.’
ן Nun – A Fish means ‘life.
In Hebrew word pictures the meaning of satan: consume and destroy by twisting life.
The ‘fallen one’ became the Adversary of Adonai. His desire was to violently destroy the promised ‘Seed of woman,’ the Seed that would break his ‘head’ and ultimately destroy him and his desire for a kingdom. He began with Cain killing Abel, lessening the ‘Seed’ chance by one-half (Genesis 4:8). He sent ‘fallen angels’ to procreate with women corrupting human DNA, but righteous Noah brought forth Shem (Genesis 6:1-2). He tried to change the ‘promised seed’ from Isaac to Ishmael, but Abraham put his hope in the ‘seed’ of faith (Genesis 16:1-2). He made Jacob and Esau enemies, but Jacob overcame every obstacle including a wrestling match and his sons multiplied into Israel (Genesis 25:22-23). He tried to destroy Judah’s descendants, but Tamar intervened and gave birth to Perez (Genesis 38:26). He brought a Nephiliim descendant named Goliath to destroy Israel, but David, the future King, prevailed (1 Samuel 17:51). He tried to annihilate the Jews in Persia, but his plan was foiled by Queen Esther (Esther 7:7). He tried to exterminate Temple worship and Jewish culture through pagan assimilation, but was conquered by the Maccabees and a faithful priesthood. In his pride and arrogance, the Adversary went directly to the ‘Seed’ himself and tempted Yeshua in the wilderness by offering him all the kingdoms of the world for his servitude (Matthew 4:8-9, Luke 4:5-7).
The Adversary is called the ‘god of this world’ and has his throne on earth (2 Corinthians 4:4, Revelation 2:13). He goes ‘to and fro’ roaming the earth as the accuser and always scheming to stumble disciples (Job 2:2, 2 Corinthians 2:11). He goes around like a roaring lion seeking to devour whomever he can through oppressive bondage and bringing demons to possess the unsuspecting like Judas (Luke 13;16, Luke 22:3, 1 Peter 5:8).
Once he reflected the God’s light through his covering of precious stones; now he masquerades as an ‘angel of light’ (2 Corinthians 11:14). He is full of deception and evil. He is an enemy of everything good. He twists the ways and commands of Adonai (Acts 3:10). He is the prince and power of the air whose spiritual agents are other ‘fallen angels’ working their deceptions among the disobedient (Ephesians 2:2).
When the Adversary is hurled to the earth permanently, he will be seen for what he actually is –– a beast that is dreadful, horrible, extremely strong with great iron teeth (Daniel 7:7-8). He will devour the whole earth, trample it down, and crush it because he knows his judgment is near (Revelation 12:10). As the Great Dragon, he birth through demonic possession will the anti-messiah, the ‘seed’ of the serpent. This ‘seed’ will work all kinds of false miracles, signs, and wonders beguiling the whole world. He will deceive those who are headed for destruction because they do not love the Truth. They will believe the Lie – the original lie that deceived Havah in the Garden of Eden: you can be like Elohim (2 Thessalonians 2:9-12).
The Adversary will oppose every god and exalt himself above every object of worship. He will require global adoration through a one-world religious system called Mystery Babylon that will become his bride. He will get what he has desired since his rebellion and was removed from the heavenly Sanctuary. He will make his throne in the earthly Temple in Jerusalem proclaiming himself to be Elohim (2 Thessalonians 2:3-5). He will speak words against Adonai and try to exhaust the holy ones of Adonai. He will attempt to alter the ‘appointed times’ of Adonai and the Torah (Daniel 7:25).
When Messiah returns, the bride of the Adversary will be destroyed; his own head will be crushed under Yeshua’s feet (Romans 16:20). When the heavenly the court goes into session, he will stripped of his kingdom and completely destroyed; his followers along with him. This already-condemned slithering ancient serpent that eats dust on his belly will finally receive eternal judgment. The once ‘Shining One’ will be thrown into the lake of burning fire and sulfur –– the way to torment an angelic being for all eternity (Revelation 20:10).
When Adonai creates the new heavens and new earth, the heavenly city of Jerusalem with its 12 foundations of precious stones, will come down out of heaven. There will be 12 gates with 12 keruvim guarding the gates. Everything that was lost to the ‘fallen one’ will be restored; everything will be made new. Adonai will tabernacle again with mankind and Death, brought into the old order of the world by the ‘Shining One,’ will be swallowed up in victory!
©2021 Tentstake Ministries Publishing, all rights reserved. No copying or reproducing of this article without crediting the author or Tentstake Ministries Publishing.