In ancient times, Mount Tziyon was the highest point in Jerusalem; today its is the mountain south of the Armenian Quarter of the Old City. The word Tziyon occurs 161 times in the Complete Jewish Bible and means ‘signpost’ or ‘monument.’ King David attacked the Jebusites in Jerusalem and captured the fortress of Tziyon and it became the City of David (2 Samuel 5:6-7).
Tziyon in Jerusalem became a possession of Isra’el and King David put up the Tent for the Ark of the Covenant on the mountain next to his palace. Because of the continual worship at the ‘Tent of David,’ Mount Tziyon became the spiritual center for the world.
Eventually the name Tziyon became synonymous the city of Jerusalem from where the Torah would be proclaimed along with the Word of Adonai (Isaiah 2:3, Micah 4:2) and the vision of the eternal Promised Land and the New Jerusalem (Hebrews 11:10).
“On the contrary, you have come to Mount Tziyon, that is, the city of the living God, heavenly Yerushalayim; to myriads of angels in festive assembly; to a community of the firstborn whose names have been recorded in heaven; to a Judge who is God of everyone; to spirits of righteous people who have been brought to the goal; to the mediator of a new covenant, Yeshua…” (Hebrews 12:21-24).
Hebrew Word Pictures
צ Tzade – A Fishhook means ‘pull toward.’
י Yod – A Closed Hand means ‘finished work.’
ו Vav – A Nail means ‘binding.’
ן Nun – A Fish means ‘life.’
The Hebrew Word Picture for: tziyon: pull toward the finished work binding life.
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