Chapter 12 begins with “When that time comes …” referring to the final verse in Daniel 11:45: “Finally, when he pitches the tents of his palace between the seas and the mountain of the holy Glory, he will come to his end, with no one to help him.” Some compare Daniel chapter 12 with Revelation chapter 11 beginning the final judgment and the resurrection. When Micha’el rises up, there will be a time of distress unparalleled between the time they became a nation and that moment.
Daniel 12 – Time of the End | Revelation 11 – Seventh Trump |
Fulfillment of God’s promises to Israel | Fulfillment of the prophets (10:7) |
Time of the Resurrection | Time of the Resurrection |
Time of the Kingdom | Time of the Kingdom |
Rewarding of the Prophets | Rewarding of the Prophets |
When the power of the holy people is completely shattered | At the judgment of the city, “Where the Lord was slain.” |
Zephaniah chapter 1 –
Zechariah 14:1-4 –
Revelation 12:7-9, 12 –
Revelation 3:9-11 –
The Book of Joel –
How do you know this event could be in our lifetime or the life time of our children?
Who will be delivered?
What will be the standard for deliverance?
What are the different books referenced in the Bible? List some interesting facts about each book.
Exodus 24:7, Deuteronomy 31:24 –
Numbers 21:14 –
Malachi 3:16 –
Psalm 139:16 –
Daniel 7:10 –
Daniel 10:21 –
1 Chronicles 1:9 –
Philippians 4:3 –
Revelation 13:8 –
Revelation 20:12,25 –
Matthew 13:37-40 –
Exodus 32:33 –
Psalm 69:29 –
Revelation 3:5 –
Hebrews 6:1-3 describes the elementary teachings of the faith. Which two are mentioned in Daniel 12:2?
How often do you hear teachings about the resurrection of the dead and the judgment to come?
Hebrews 9:27 –
John 5:28-30 –
John 11:21-27 –
How does Daniel describe death?
Compare Daniel’s description of death to the following verses:
Job 14:11-13 –
Isaiah 26:19 –
Matthew 9:24, Mark 5:39, Luke 8:52.
1 Corinthians 15:51-53 –
Read Revelation 20.
How many resurrections are in the Bible?
What happens with each resurrection?
Those who are raised at the first resurrection are martyrs and those who did not worship the beast. The second resurrection includes all of the dead, and those whose names are not in the Book of Life will experience the second death. Do you think the first resurrection also includes people whose names are in the Book of Life? Why? How do the people during the 1000-year Millennial Reign of Yeshua get their names in the Book of Life?
Why is discernment important?
Malachi 3:18 –
Philippians 1:9-10 –
Philippians 2:14-16 –
Hebrews 5:14 –
Define righteousness.
Genesis 15:6, Romans 4:3, Galatians 3:6, James 2:23 –
Deuteronomy 6:25 –
Matthew 6:33 –
Romans 6:17-19 –
2 Timothy 2:22 –
What is the reward for those who turn others toward righteousness? A life of righteousness?
What was the promise made to Abraham about his descendants? (Genesis 22:17, 26:4)
What is Daniel told to do with the words of the prophecy?
Describe the time of the end when the prophecy will be understood. Do we live in such times?
Describe what Daniel saw by the river?
According to Micha’el, how long will it take until the ‘wonders’ of this prophecy will be fulfilled?
What does “When the power of the holy people is no longer being shattered” mean? (Use the chart with Revelation 11)
From what you have learned, what do you think Micha’el’s answer means?
How did Micha’el answer Daniel’s question?
What is the difference between peoples at the time of the end?
Who will understand what is happening?
How long is 1,290 days according to the Hebrew calendar?
How long is 1,335 days?
From what you ‘discern’, what happens in that 6 months that will require waiting? Use Scripture to support your theories.
How does the vision end for Daniel?
The Prophets and Daniel
Why does the prophet join these three men together in righteousness?
In Ezekiel 28:3, the prophet speaks of Daniel’s wisdom. What have you learned about Daniel’s wisdom beginning with his arrival in Babylon until the end of his life and the lion’s den?
Ezra 8:2 give’s Daniel’s genealogy. From whose lineage did he come? Why is this important?
What is the greatest hope you have received from the life and prophecies given to Daniel?
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