Yochanan’s vision continues with the Lamb breaking each of the seven seals on the scroll. Wax seals were used for items of value from precious stones to confidential correspondences. If a document arrived to its destination with a broken seal, it was evidence that someone had tampered with the document. When Yeshua was buried, the tomb’s rock was sealed so that none of his disciples could tamper with the grave, remove his body, and claim that he resurrected. Most likely, this seal was made of soft clay rather than wax, but it held a Roman imprint for its authority (Matthew 27:66).
The Hebrew word ‘seal’ in these verses is chatham and means ‘signer’s imprint.’ The ‘signer’s imprint’ came from a personal signet ring showing the signer had full authority and power to send the message and ‘seal’ the decree. In Genesis, Y’hudah (Judah) gave his signet ring as a guarantee for payment to a woman he thought was a prostitute (Genesis 38:25-26). When Yosef (Joseph) was made second in command in Egypt, he was given the Pharaoh’s signet ring so he could make important decisions without asking the king (Genesis 41:42). In Esther, Mordecai was given the king’s signet ring in order to create a new decree that would save Jewish lives (Esther 8:8). Any edict written and sealed with a king’s signet cannot be revoked, even by the king.
The Four Horsemen – Hitgalut
This part of Yochanan’s vision is referred to as the ‘Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.’ Apocalypse is Greek and means ‘revelation;’ however, Yochanan wrote in Hebrew or common Aramaic. The Hebrew word for ‘revelation of the end’ is hitgalut and means ‘to be discovered, to be exposed.’ Biblical prophecy does predict the future, but ‘exposes’ events as they are fulfilled so we don’t walk in darkness. Scripture can be used to give insight for prophetic events, but each event only becomes fully discovered as Truth when they occur.
“Again I raised my eyes, and I saw in front of me four chariots coming out from between two mountains…. The first chariot had red horses; the second chariot, black horses; the third chariot, white horses; and the fourth chariot, spotted gray [strong dappled] horses” (Zechariah 6:1-4).
Zechariah had a vision of four horses pulling chariots. The colors of the horses are the same as in Yochanan’s vision with the exception of the final horse. When Zechariah asked the messenger about the chariots, he was told “these are the four winds of the sky that go out, after presenting themselves before the Lord of all the land” (Zechariah 6:6). Each of the four horses go different directions: the black and white horses go to the north, the spotted horse goes to the south, and the gray horse wanders throughout the earth. The black and white horses heading north give the Spirit of Elohim rest in the north country, the ‘place’ of His Throne.
There are two important details to consider when studying the four horses of Hitgalut. First, the horses represent the four winds of the sky or the heavenly realm that present themselves to the Lord. They ‘go out’ from Him. ‘Wind’ is specific to the Ruach haKodesh, the Spirit of Elohim, His Breath. Second, because all Scripture is Jerusalem, Isra’el centered, each of the horses head north, south or around the world from the land of Isra’el.
The Rider Who Conquers
“Next I watched as the Lamb broke the first of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four living beings say in a thundering voice, “Go!” I looked, and there in front of me was a white horse; its rider had a bow and was given a crown; and he rode off as a conqueror to conquer” (Revelation 6:1-2).
The Lamb breaks the first seal and a thundering voice says: “Go.” I believe this voice comes from the living being’s lion face –– the Lion of Y’hudah (Judah). The white horse rider heads north with a bow and a crown to conquer his enemies.
Each of the living beings tell the riders of the horses: “Go!” In Hebrew, this word is bo and can also mean ‘come.’ These riders are told to ‘come forth.’ They are given life through the Spirit to rise up from the words of the scroll and make war in the heavenly realm.
Hebrew Word Pictures
Go – bo – בוא
Bet – A House means ‘house’ or ‘family.’
Vav – A Nail means ‘binding.’
Alef – An Ox means ‘first strength.’
The Hebrew Word Picture for bo: house binds first strength.
In Revelation chapter 19, Yochanan sees a white horse with a rider who “in righteousness he passes judgment and goes to battle.” The physical description of this rider is similar to Yeshua in Revelation chapter 1. The rider on the white horse left the throne room alone as the Commander of Elohim’s army. He returns as the Conqueror with the armies of heaven with him riding white horses and wearing fine, white linen; His robe is soaked in the blood of his enemies. He left wearing the crown as King of the Jews and returns as King of Kings with the crowns of the kings he has conquered. Commander of Elohim’s armies.
Yeshua’s army is made up of the entire House of Isra’el who had been slain. Their bones dried up and they are completely cut off from the land of the living. Yet, there is hope for Isra’el; Elohim will open their graves, raise them from the dead, and place His breath into them. They will become a mighty army of Isra’el (Ezekiel 37:9-14).
Hebrew Word Pictures
White – Lavan – לון
ל Lamed – A Shepherd’s Staff means ‘urge forward.’
ו Vav – A Nail means ‘binding.’
ן Nun – A Fish means ‘life.’
The Hebrew Word Picture for lavan; urge forward the binding of life.
Horse – soos – סוס
ס Samech – A Prop means ‘support.’
ו Vav – A Nail means ‘binding.’
ס Samech – A Prop means ‘support.’
The Hebrew Word Picture for soos: support and bind support.
The Warrior
“When he broke the second seal, I heard the second living being say, “Go!” Another horse went out, a red one; and its rider was given the power to take peace away from the earth and make people slaughter each other. He was given a great sword” (Revelation 6:3-4).
The Lamb breaks the second seal and another living being says: “Go.” I believe this voice comes from living being’s human face –– the Tribe of Reuben. War on earth with mankind is the focus of this seal.
Though there are chariots led by red horses in Zechariah’s vision, it is not revealed which direction they go. Perhaps they don’t head a specific direction, but go with a specific purpose –– to destroy people through war.
The rider on this horse is a Warrior and brings war to the earth. This rider has a ‘great sword.’ This ‘sword’ is different from the ‘sword’ of the Word; this Sword belongs to yod-hey-vav-hey (Isaiah 34:6). This ‘sword’ is strong, relentless, and will punish the serpent –– the monster who comes from the sea of nations (Isaiah 27:1). This ‘sword’ will bruise the head of the serpent as prophesied in Genesis 3:15. This ‘sword’ will be filled with the blood of a great sacrifice in the land of Edom, specifically the capital Botzrah.
Though the color red is associated with war and blood, red also symbolizes Edom, the land where Esau settled. The Hebrew word for ‘red’ is adom, the name given to Adam who was created from the red earth. When Ya’akov (Jacob) and Esau were born, “the first to come out was reddish and covered all over with hair, like a coat; so they named him ‘Esav'” (Genesis 25:25).
Today Edom is located near the southeast corner of Isra’el in the country of Jordan. As the physical descendants of Esau, the Edomites have Esau’s spirit of being a ‘hunter’ and a ‘man of the field.’ In the world, he will be used by the Adversary to ‘hunt’ his brother’s descendants, the children of Isra’el. The prophet Isaiah gives more insight into this bloody battle between Yeshua the descendants of Esau:
“Who is this, coming from Edom, from Botzrah with clothing stained crimson, so magnificently dressed, so stately in his great strength? …Why is your apparel red, your clothes like someone treading a winepress?“ I have trodden the winepress alone; from the peoples, not one was with me. So I trod them in my anger, trampled them in my fury; so their lifeblood spurted out on my clothing, and I have stained all my garments; for the day of vengeance that was in my heart and my year of redemption has come. I looked, but there was no one to help, and I was appalled that no one upheld me. Therefore my own arm brought me salvation [Yeshua], and my own fury upheld me. In my anger I trod down the peoples, made them drunk with my fury, then poured out their lifeblood on the earth” (Isaiah 63:1-6)
Hebrew Word Pictures
Red – adom – אדום
א Alef – An Ox means ‘first strength.’
ד Dalet – A Door means ‘pathway.’
ו Vav – A Nail means ‘binding.’
ם Mem – Water means ‘chaos’ or ‘mighty.’
The Hebrew Word Picture for adom: first strength pathway binding mighty.
The Rider of Famine
“When he broke the third seal, I heard the third living being say, “Go!” I looked, and there in front of me was a black horse, and its rider held in his hand a pair of scales. Then I heard what sounded like a voice from among the four living beings say, “Two pounds of wheat for a day’s wages! Six pounds of barley for the same price! But don’t damage the oil or the wine!” (Revelation 6:5-6).
The Lamb breaks the third seal and another living being says: “Go.” I believe this voice comes from living being’s face of an Ox –– the symbol of the Tribe of Ephraim. The name ‘Ephraim’ begins with the Hebrew letter alef which is a ltter picture of an ‘ox.’ Torah teaches that an ox is not to be muzzled when it is threshing grain, just as a “worker deserves his wages” (Deuteronomy 25:4, 1 Timothy 5:18).
The rider of the black horse holds a pair of scales. Black symbolizes power and fear. The scales in the hands of this rider do not suggest judgment as with the Tribe of Dan, but power and riches through dishonest profits. Leviticus 19:35 says: “Don’t be dishonest when measuring length, weight or capacity” as a warning against such dealings within the community of Isra’el.
The imbalance of the scales alludes to the rich becoming richer and the poor barely surviving. Though Ephraim can mean ‘fruitful,’ it also contains the root for ‘depleted.’ Perhaps through a plague or the ramped up high costs for production, the barley and wheat will be damaged. Evil world leaders will boost the price of grain, however, the oil and wine profits will not be damaged (Isaiah 12:2).
Both barley and wheat are harvested in the spring, and along with wine and oil, are connected to the fellowship offerings in ‘appointed times’ of Firstfruits and Shavuot. Barley is harvested in the month of Abib. In Hebrew abib means ‘newly ripened grain’ and is the firstfruits offering on the Feast of Firstfruits or Yom Habikkurim.
For the 50 days following Yom Habikkurim, the nation of Isra’el ‘counted the omer.’ They counted the seven weeks between two holy days with a daily offering of an omer of barley. An omer of barley is about 9.3 cups of dry grain.
It was during the days of counting the omer that Ruth gleaned in the fields, met, and married Boaz. Along with the commands for the harvesting grain during the omer is the command: “Don’t harvest all the way to the corners of your field, and don’t gather the ears of grain left by the harvesters; leave them for the poor and the foreigner; I am Adonai your God” (Leviticus 23:22).
At the end of the omer, the wheat harvest began. This was known as the second firstfruits and the ‘appointed time’ associated with the Feast of Weeks or Shavuot (Greek: Pentecost). The offerings on Shavuot included two leavened loaves of wheat bread, a wheat grain offering with oil, and a drink offering.
From these ‘shadows’ and ‘realities,’ it could be suggested that the timing of the black horse coincides with the spring mo’edim. The prices for wheat and barley will become so high that it will be nearly impossible to keep the spring holy days in Jerusalem (Zechariah 3:18). Being associated with a food family, could it be possible the famine aaffects more than physical food?
Yeshua taught that man does not live only on bread, but on every Word that comes from the mouth of Elohim (Deuteronomy 8:3). What if the Word of Elohim is no longer heard or able to be taught? Remember the days of Antiochus Epiphanes, and the Abomination of Desolation spoken about by Daniel? In the days of the black horse, there could be a hunger and thirst for the Word of Elohim.
“The time is coming,” says Adonai Elohim, “when I will send famine over the land, not a famine of bread or a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of Adonai” (Amos 8:11).
Hebrew Word Pictures
Black – shokor – שחור
ש Shin – A Tooth means ‘consume’ or ‘destroy.’
ח Chet – A Fence means ‘protect.’
ו Vav – A Nail means ‘binding.’
ר Resh – A Head means ‘highest authority.’
The Hebrew Word Picture for shokor: consume and protect the binding of highest authority.
Though the scales will tip on the monetary value of barley and wheat, the oil and wine are not damaged. The Ruach haKodesh is symbolized by oil in Scripture and was used to purify and anoint priests and kings. Pure oil was put into the lamps of the wise virgins. Pure oil was used in the grain offerings of fine flour mixed with oil. Wine represents joy, sustenance, and life in the Spirit. Perhaps by not harming the oil and wine, even in the days of famine –– whether for food or His Word – Adonai’s Spirit continues to strengthen and protect His people.
The Death Rider
“When he broke the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living being say, “Go!” I looked, and there in front of me was a pallid, sickly-looking horse. Its rider’s name was Death, and Sh’ol followed behind him. They were given authority to kill one-quarter of the world by war, by famine, by plagues and with the wild animals of the earth” (Revelation 6:7-8).
The Lamb breaks the fourth seal and another living being says: “Go.” I believe this voice comes from the living being’s face of an eagle which can only be the Tribe of Dan. Where I live in Alaska along the Kenai River, I have the privilege of watching Bald Eagles soar down the river valley on a daily basis. Eagles are massive birds with a wingspan the width of my pick-up truck and, yes, I’ve seen their underbellies several feet above my windshield. They not only soar high above the trees dotting the blue sky, but swoop down toward the river to snag a salmon swimming upstream. The eagle is a bird of great power and agility, and Elohim uses it to describe His swift and complete judgment on Edom and Bozrah (Jeremiah 49:22).
The color of this fourth horse varies between the translation of the two visions. Zechariah sees the horse as being dappled (Hebrew, as with hail) and gray (Hebrew, strong), while Yochanan sees it as ‘palid.’ The Hebrew word for ‘palid’ is yarokrok and means ‘greenish.’ I put the two descriptions together making this horse strong and greenish with white spots.
Green is very important in Islam. The prophet Muhammed wore a green cloak and turban. In Quran 32 there is a description of paradise where people “will wear green garments of fine silk.” Green is used in the binding of Qurans, the domes of mosques, and is found in the flags of Iran (modern-day Persia) and Saudi Arabia.
The name of the rider on this green and white spotted horse is Death, and Sh’ol (the place of the dead) follows him. According to the prophet Isaiah, there will be nations who mock the people of Jerusalem and the Jewish people. They make a “covenant with Death and a contract with Sh’ol” believing their agreements will protect them from the judgment to coming against Isra’el. They embrace lies and create falsehoods about the end times, the Jewish people, and the holy city, but they will be utterly destroyed by their own deception and live in sheer terror (Isaiah 28:14-19).
Hebrew Word Pictures
Terror – emah – אימה
א Alef – An Ox means ‘first strength.’
י Yod – A Closed Hand means ‘finished work.’
מ Mem – Water means ‘chaos’ and ‘mighty.’
ה Hey – A Window means ‘reveal’ or ‘behold.’
The Hebrew Word Picture for emah: first strength finished work of chaos revealed.
With the release of this final horse, one-quarter of the world’s population will die through famine, plagues, and wild animals. Today, there are 7.7 billion people in the world; one-quarter of that number is 1.9 billion. Today, in 2020, there are about 30 million people in Nigeria, South Sudan, Somalia, and Yemen facing famine conditions. Plagues can be diseased-based pandemics, and as I write this, Coronovirus from Wuhan, China is making the news. Plagues can also come from insects like locusts which are destroying parts of India, Pakistan, Africa and the Middle East. A plague of bats is infesting Queenstown in Australia. Wild animal attacks from foxes, coyotes, wild boars, mountain lions, moose, and bear are on the rise.
Though none of these famines, plagues or wild animal attacks have come close to killing 1.9 billion people, the prophecy stands as Truth. Famine and hunger lead to plagues of disease, diseases lead to death, and then wild animals become numerous. This is one reason why Elohim did not give the Israelites the Promised Land all at one time –– the wild animals would become too numerous for them (Deuteronomy 7:22). With the death-toll in the nations from famine and plague, wild animals will complete the killing process.
What is a plague?
The Hebrew word for ‘plague’ is maggephah and means ‘a blow’ and ‘a calamity.’ However the ‘blow’ arrives, it creates a ‘calamity’ within a group of people.
The most well-known plagues are in Exodus when Pharaoh refused to let the Hebrews leave Egypt. Elohim judged each of Egypt’s false gods with a plague. After the Hebrews leave Egypt, the Israelites experience their own plagues. Many die after Moshe pulverises the golden calf and made them drink water mixed with the powder. Many died after they received so much quail that a plague took them while they were still chewing the meat. Many more died in the plague caused by their grumbling after the death of Korach. Even more died when they joined the Moabites and worshiped Baal Pe’or. Each of these incidences coincide with Isra’el’s grumbling, disobedience, and worship of false gods. Each plague was a divine judgment.
The word ‘judge’ is generally used in a negative sense, however, in the days of the Judges it had a different meaning. The twelve Judges were Spirit-filled Israelites like Gideon, Samson, and Deborah. Each of them were called by Adonai to deliver Isra’el from Canaanite control as they battled them for the Promised Land.
With the blessing Dan receives from Ya’akov (Jacob), he may be the delivering Judge that Isra’el needs in the end times. The Tribe of Dan is the ‘viper on the road that bites the heels of a horse’ making its rider fall (Genesis 49:16-18). This rider may be the Islamic ideology that desires to swallow Elohim’s chosen people in Death. While Death contracts with the nations who hate Isra’el, promising their destruction, Isra’el is taken away from ‘the serpent’ on the wings of a great eagle and the destruction falls back on the nations (Revelation 12:14). This is exactly how Adonai delivered the Israelites from Egypt (Exodus 19:4).
The Martyrs
“When the Lamb broke the fifth seal, I saw underneath the altar the souls of those who had been put to death for proclaiming the Word of God, that is, for bearing witness. They cried out in a loud voice, “Sovereign Ruler, HaKadosh, the True One, how long will it be before you judge the people living on earth and avenge our blood?” Each of them was given a white robe; and they were told to wait a little longer, until the full number of their fellow-servants should be reached, of their brothers who would be killed, just as they had been” (Revelation 6:9-11).
The Lamb breaks the fifth seal and under the altar, Yochanan sees the souls who were murdered for proclaiming the Word of Adonai. Some who study Revelation wonder who will persecute these holy ones because nothing is specifically mentioned is this passage. I believe that Yeshua fights Edom and Bozrah to their end because they represent the political/religious ideology symbolized by the ‘greenish’ horse. That system continues to murder and behead those who refuse to submit to the will of Allah.
The souls of the martyrs cry out from underneath the altar for the Sovereign Ruler, the True and Holy One, to avenge their deaths. These are those souls who are beheaded for testifying about Yeshua and proclaiming the Word in Revelation 20:4.
The Hebrew word ‘soul’ in this verse is neshama and means ‘the breath of Elohim.‘ In Leviticus 17:11, Elohim says that the “life of a creature is in the blood … for it is the blood that makes atonement because of the life.” It is possible that Yochanan is actually seeing the blood of these souls; and like faithful Abel’s blood cries out, so does the blood of these faithful murdered followers of Yeshua (Genesis 4:10).
They cry to the “Sovereign Ruler” in the Hebrew text is the yod-hey-vav-hey or Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh. HaKodosh is ‘the holy one’ and is the shortened form for the ‘Holy One of Isra’el.’ HaEmeti can be translated the ‘True One’ and the ‘Faithful One.’ These souls cry out to the “Faithful HaYah, the Holy One of Isra’el.”
There are two altars in the Tabernacle: the Altar of Sacrifice and the Altar of Incense. Though the Altar of Sacrifice could represent the sacrifice these souls made for the Word of God, the Altar of Sacrifice was given for atonement. These souls did not make atonement for anyone, not even themselves. The Altar of Incense is for the prayers of the holy ones and these souls are praying, crying out for their blood to be avenged. I believe the altar in this verse is the same altar that Abel built. Their blood is underneath the same stones as Abel’s; their blood poured out on the ground; their prayers rising to Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh.
Yochanan is looking toward the future at those who will die over the millennia for proclaiming the Word of Elohim. They are told to ‘wait a little while’ or in Hebrew ‘to rest more’ until the completion of their ‘gentile fellow servants’ and ‘Jewish brothers’ are martyred. Each of these souls is given a white robe, as preparation for the resurrection.
The Creation
“Then I watched as he broke the sixth seal, and there was a great earthquake, the sun turned black as sackcloth worn in mourning, and the full moon became blood-red. The stars fell from heaven to earth just as a fig tree drops its figs when shaken by a strong wind. The sky receded like a scroll being rolled up, and every mountain and island was moved from its place” (Revelation 6:12-14).
The Lamb breaks the sixth seal and creation reacts: the earth quakes, the sun turns black, the full moon becomes blood-red, stars fall from heaven to earth, the sky recedes like a rolled-up scroll, and mountains and islands are removed from their places. This ‘childbirth’ activity throughout the heavens and earth signals the end of the present heaven and earth With the sixth seal, the ‘old contract’ between Adonai and mankind begins its demise for a new one administered by King Messiah (Hebrews 8:13).
“The creation waits eagerly for the sons of God to be revealed; for the creation was made subject to frustration — not willingly, but because of the one who subjected it. But it was given a reliable hope that it too would be set free from its bondage to decay … the whole creation has been groaning as with the pains of childbirth …” (Romans 8:19-23).
On the fourth day of creation, Elohim created the sun, moon, and stars to determine His ‘appointed times.׳ With the sixth seal, the sun turns black, as if mourning. A blackened sun symbolizes judgment on the nations. With a darkened sun, a day can no longer be determined and there is no sunset to sunset.
A full moon begins two ‘appointed times’: Passover and Sukkot –– the first and last of the ‘appointed times.’ A blood-red full moon, especially when one falls on a Biblical Feast day is a warning of war to Isra’el.
The stars in the constellations that determine the annual cycle of the holy days fall from heaven like figs on a fig tree. The fig tree has always symbolized Isra’el. Yeshua said that when the fig tree buds, Isra’el would become a nation again starting the divine clock of end-times prophecy. When the figs fall off the tree, shaken by a strong, powerful ‘Wind,’ the nation of Isra’el will be transformed from an earthly nation to a divine kingdom ruled by their Messiah, King Yeshua.
The sky recedes like a scroll. The heavenly scroll that is firmly fixed in heaven is the Word of Adonai, the Torah (Psalm 119:89). When the sixth seal is opened, the paper Torah will be rolled up and the flesh Torah, Yeshua, will begin his reign as King of Kings.
There will be a great earthquake and the islands and mountains will be moved from their places. In the moment when Yeshua stands on the Mount of Olives, the geography of Jerusalem will change. All of the Muslim graves directly in front of the the Golden Gate will disappear. The City of David on Mount Tziyon will rise above Mount Moriah (Zechariah 14:4-5).
The Great Day
“Then the earth’s kings, the rulers, the generals, the rich and the mighty — indeed, everyone, slave and free — hid himself in caves and among the rocks in the mountains, and said to the mountains and rocks, “Fall on us, and hide us from the face of the One sitting on the throne and from the fury of the Lamb! For the Great Day of their fury has come, and who can stand?” (Revelation 6:15-17).
The power of Yeshua will bring down earth’s leaders –– political, military, and economic. He will change the whole demeanor of the world in which we live. Rich and poor, slave and free will hide in caves and cry out for the mountain rocks to fall on them. With the “fury of the Lamb,” they will not only know and understand someone is sitting on the throne, they will actually see Him appear. Elohim will remove His Hand and the nations of the world will see the result of His power. The sixth seal will cause such fear that no one will be able to stand (Isaiah 43:23, Philippians 2:10-11).
Hebrew Word Pictures
Face – panim – פנים
פ Peh – A Mouth means ‘speak’ or ‘source.’
נ Nun – A Fish means ‘life.’
י Yod – A Closed Hand means ‘finished work.’
ם Mem – Water means ‘chaos’ or ‘mighty.’
The Hebrew Word Picture for panim: source of life, finished work of the mighty.
Fury – ayam – זעם
ז Zayin – A Weapon means ‘divide’ or ‘cut.’
ע Ayin – An Eye means ‘see’ or ‘understand.’
ם Mem – Water means ‘chaos’ or ‘mighty.’
The Hebrew Word Picture for ayam: divide to see the chaos.
Revelation Chapter 7 – Servants of God
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