In His faithfulness, God brought together a group of people to listen to and learn the sounds of the shofar as each of us prepare for the coming of Messiah Yeshua. In these days, it seems as though the signs of his return in clouds of glory is closer than ever and to know those shofar blasts is necessary. One calls his people together, another convicts his people of their sins, another prepares them for war, and the final one is a reminder of the one who is Immortal coming to transform the saints from mortal to immortality.
Tag: Yom Teruah
Revelation Chapter 3 – Sardis
ua sends the fifth messenger to Sardis where he reveals himself as the one who “has the sevenfold Spirit of God and the seven stars.” The prophet Isaiah describes the seven-fold Spirit of Elohim that embodies the fullness of Messiah: “The Spirit of Adonai will rest on him, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and power, the Spirit of knowledge and fearing Adonai –– he will be inspired by fearing Adonai” (Isaiah 11:1-2).
In the Days of Nehemiah
The events in Nehemiah 8 are not some random occurrences in the history of Israel. They are a testimony to the restoration of the Feasts of Adonai to a people who had lived in exile for over 160 years. Though there was a first wave of Jewish return to Jerusalem 70 years after being taken captive, Ezra and Nehemiah were in the second wave 90 years later. It was during this time that the priests gathered the people together on the ‘first day of the seventh month’.
Let’s Throw Stones – Tashlich
hose who have offended us whether it’s 490 times or 490,000 times. Confessing sins and asking forgiveness frees us to live with a clear conscience with our family, friends, and acquaintances. It also brings healing to our souls. As we throw stones into the body of water, we can ‘cast away’ all offenses that we may have committed and forgive those sins committed against us so we can be restored to one another in the Body of Messiah.