I have celebrated the Feast of Trumpets in so many places over the years from Denver to Philadelphia to Chappell, Nebraska to Whitecourt, Alberta in campgrounds, backyards, churches at different lakes, rivers, and even large rain puddles, but I never expected to celebrate along the Kenai River in Alaska, never. But God.
Answered Prayer
The day before Yom Teruah the weather was horrendous in Cooper Landing with high winds and torrential rains. Kenai Lake looked like a churning ocean and I waited to see a whale breech out of the whitecaps. The Bible study women prayed for good weather for our celebration with hope and faith. We all rejoiced and praised Yeshua for what he gave us on Tishri 1 in Alaska, a phenomenal sunset.

In His faithfulness, God brought together a group of people to listen to and learn the sounds of the shofar as each of us prepare for the coming of Messiah Yeshua. In these days, it seems as though the signs of his return in clouds of glory is closer than ever and to know those shofar blasts is not only necessary, but have prophetic importance and vision. The tekiah calls his people together, the teruah convicts his people of their sins, the shevarim prepares them for war, and the tekiah gadolah, the final one, is a reminder of the one who is Immortal is returning with the shofar blast and will transform the saints from mortal to immortality.
““I will gather those of yours who grieve over the appointed feasts and bear the burden of reproach [because they cannot keep them]” (Zephaniah 3:18).
As Yeshua’s shadow looms over us we can see evidence of prophecies coming to pass – the separation of the sheep and goats – especially with the growing lawlessness around the world. Even in Isra’el the holy days were halted causing grief to everyone worldwide who understands the severity of such a decision even IF there is a pandemic. In these end times, we each have to choose whether to obey God’s commandments or man’s deceptions. We each have to choose whether to remain in the world or ‘come out from among them and be separate’ (2 Corinthians 6:17). We each have to choose to purify ourselves from all the burdens of sin that stain our wedding gowns and become a pure, spotless Bride for Messiah Yeshua.
Our day of remembering and blowing the shofar was filled with autumn leaves, young children, and a group of faithful believers who desire to understand the ‘appointed times’ of our God. The Ruach blew through a conche shell toward the north, south, east, and west to remind sleeping virgins to put oil in their lamps before the Bridegroom comes and closes the door.

Tashlich – Casting Away
No Feast of Trumpets would be complete without Tashlich or the ‘casting away’ of our sins. Everyone collected and threw stones into the turquoise river as a reminder that our sins through the blood of Messiah have been ‘cast’ into the depths of the sea (Micah 7:19) and are as far away as the east is from the west (Psalm 103:12). The children, too, threw stones that had sins written on them: disobedience, jealousy, anger, envy, and idolatry. All the same sins that we adults should have been throwing into the depths of the sea along with guilt, lashon hara, and so much more with thanksgiving to Yeshua for taking on these burdens that can weigh on us like stones or heavy rocks.
Collecting Stones Discipling Children Blowing a Conche
L’Shana Tova 5781
Every ‘appointed time’ of Yahweh, except Yom Kippur, has food and fellowship. With Yom Teruah also being Rosh Hashana, the beginning of the civil new year for crowning kings, we had a lot of sweet food for a sweet new year. And, of course everyone learned some Hebrew by shouting ‘LaShana Tova!’
Fellowship Friendship Family Family of Miracles The Oldest – 92 The Youngest Apples, Honey & Shabbat Shalom!
Chag Sameach, L’Shana Tova and Bo Mashiach Yeshua. Happy Holiday, Happy New Year and Come Messiah Yeshua!
©2020 Tentstake Ministries Publishing, all rights reserved. No copying or reproducing of this article without crediting the author or Tentstake Ministries Publishing.