The last battle that Moshe oversees is with the Midianites. Elohim wants the people of Isra’el to carry out His vengeance. ‘Vengeance’ is defined as ‘punishment inflicted or retribution exacted for an injury or wrong.’ Adonai says when His people are wronged, He will repay. He will take vengeance because when anyone messes with the ‘apple of His eye,’ they are messing with Him and become His enemy. Elohim makes it very clear that He alone takes vengeance; it is not our responsibility (Zechariah 2:8).
Tag: Promised Land
Parashah 3: Lekh L’kah (Get yourself out)
A deep sleep comes upon Abram as the sun is setting, and a great darkness comes over him. Elohim tells Abram that his descendants would be foreigners in a land that is not theirs. They would be oppressed and enslaved 400 years until He would judge that nation. Abram’s descendants would then leave that land with many possessions; however, Abram would not see these events with his own eyes as he would sleep with his ancestors. In the fourth generation, his descendants would return to the Land of Promise.
Zion – Hebrew: Tziyon
In ancient times, Mount Tziyon was the highest point in Jerusalem; today its is the mountain south of the Armenian Quarter of the Old City. The word Tziyon occurs 161 times in the Complete Jewish Bible and means ‘signpost’ or ‘monument.’ King David attacked the Jebusites in Jerusalem and captured the fortress of Tziyon and it became the City of David (2 Samuel 5:6-7).
A Double Portion Day – February 20
Some people kiss the ground when they arrive because they are home. That moment didn’t happen for me, but it is the one place I’ve ever been that I felt the most comfortable being who I am, believing what I believe, and doing what our family does. I covered my head and was not a freak nor did anyone try to discourage me or make me feel legalistic. In fact, most people thought I was Jewish and spoke Hebrew to me. I love wearing skirts and women in skirts were everywhere. It was also really nice to eat where kosher food is normal. We never had to worry about eating pork, shellfish or other things that are not really food.