As the world crashes around the people of Adonai and chaos ensues with calling evil good and good evil, what is it we are to do? In my recent prayer time, I asked the Lord that very question. His response, “patient endurance” and then He reminded me of Revelation 14:12.
Tag: judgment
Behemoth – ‘Beast of Burden’
Behemoth is a ‘sign’ for the final judgment and the binding of chaos. Because Leviathan is split in half, its other half will receive the same judgment. Behemoth will have its ‘head’ crushed –– a ‘shadow’ of what will happen to the Adversary.
Leviathan – The Dragon
has an outer garment of double armor, fearsome teeth, and his rows of scales are his pride. He sneezes fire and has black eyelids. His mouth shoots out flames and his breath sets coals on fire. Smoke pours from his nostrils like a pot burning reeds. His neck is strong, his flesh is folded and immovable, his heart is hard as a rock, hard as a millstone. His underside is like earth that leaves a trail in the mud. He leaves a shining wake behind him giving him the appearance of white hair.
Chapter 12 – Judgment and Resurrection
Chapter 12 begins with “When that time comes …” referring to the final verse in Daniel 11:45: “Finally, when he pitches the tents of his palace between the seas and the mountain of the holy Glory, he will come to his end, with no one to help him.” Some compare Daniel chapter 12 with Revelation chapter 11 beginning the final judgment and the resurrection. When Micha’el rises up, there will be a time of distress unparalleled between the time they became a nation and that moment.