According to the NASB, iniquity is found 192 times in the Hebrew Scriptures; guilt 172 in the Complete Jewish Bible. It is iniquity in the heart that causes sinful behavior. After King David sinned with Bat Sheva, he was so grieved with his guilt and the iniquity in his heart that he asked Elohim not to take His Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) from him. There is double punishment for iniquity that not only includes guilt, but also the punishment that comes from being guilty.
Tag: iniquity
Sin – Hebrew: Chatah
hatah means ‘offence against God or man.’ Sin is found 1445 times in the Bible. Sin is not defined by man, but by the Word of God. In Hebrew thought, sin is falling short of God’s glory which is outlined in Torah; it is a failure to reach the goal, missing the mark, and ‘crouches like a beast’ waiting to attack