The most familiar tehillah is the 144,000 who stand on Mount Tziyon and ‘sing a new song’ or tehillah (Revelation 14:3).
Tag: 144000
Revelation Chapter 14 – The New Song and The Harvest
Standing on Mount Tziyon were 144,000 men: 12,000 from each of the 12 Tribes of Isra’el. They have the Lamb’s name and his Father’s name written on their foreheads. The promise given to those in the congregation of Philadelphia who persevered and won the victory are given the name of Yeshua and Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh. They never disowned the name of Yeshua even when attacked by false Jews. These overcomers will be kept from the time of trial that will test the earth. They have been ‘sealed’ by Adonai.
Revelation Chapter 7 – Servants of God
he 144,000 ‘Sons of Isra’el’ will be redeemed as firstfruits for Adonai and the Lamb. They are not redeemed from the nations of the world, but from the nation of Isra’el. Firstfruits alludes to the Feast of Firstfruits that will be followed by a great harvest resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:20). Whether these firstfruits are those who are raised from the dust to become a great army is not stated, but they are firstfruits for service to Adonai and Yeshua.