As the world crashes around the people of Adonai and chaos ensues with calling evil good and good evil, what is it we are to do? In my recent prayer time, I asked the Lord that very question. His response, “patient endurance” and then He reminded me of Revelation 14:12.
Author: Yahulia
Do We Choose?
The ‘realm of choice’ is different from the ‘realm of no choice.’ In the heavenly realm, angels are not given the choice to obey Adonai or not. They were created to be obedient servants of El Elyon –– the Most High God. However, when they entered the ‘realm of choice,’ they made choices. One group of angels left their ‘realm’ and made the choice to procreate with human women (Genesis 6:1-2). Their choice caused some angels to be bound in chains forever; the half-breeds had to be destroyed by the Hand of Elohim’s armies (Jude 6). The guardian cherub of Gan Eden entered the ‘realm of choice,’ took the form of a serpent. He chose to ‘fall’ from the heavenly realm, sin, and lose his guardian position. He deceived Chavah and she made a choice between life and death.
Are We Crazy?
As the caretakers of the Cooper Landing Community Center, we were given the option of staying in the camp-lodging site through the winter. Our trailer came with an arctic package which means that all of our underbelly tanks are heated: the water, the gray, and the black. Also, parts of our underside storage units are heated keeping the area under our floors somewhat warm. So, why not try to winterize and do some very cold-weather ‘camping?’
Study – Hebrew: Midrash
Midrash is the Jewish term for hashing out Scripture. In other words, it is a way of finding an answer to a practical or theological question by studying the meaning of words in Torah. Midrash is used to discover halacha or how to walk out the direction of Torah commands. This method of studying the Scriptures has been used by rabbis and students of the Word of God for millennia even though it is most notably used by the Orthodox communities of the past few centuries.