“By standing firm you will save your lives.”
‘Stand firm’ in Greek is hupomoné and means ‘to patiently endure’ or ‘remain behind.’
In Hebrew ‘patient’ is savlanoot and means ‘pain and suffering.’
‘Save’ in Greek is ktaomai and means ‘to aquire,’ ‘obtain,’ or ‘possess.’
‘Save in Hebrew is yasha and is from where the name Yeshua, the Hebrew name for ‘Jesus’ comes.
‘Life’ in Greek is psuché and means ‘the vital breath of life,’ the ‘human soul.’
‘Life’ in Hebrew is chai.
‘Soul’ in Hebrew is nephesh and means ‘a living being with desires, passions, and emotions.’
“By remaining behind, patiently suffering, you will obtain Yeshua, the vital breath of life, the salvation of your own life soul.”
“Although He was a Son, He learned obedience from the things which He suffered” (Hebrews 5:8).
“This is when perseverance is needed on the part of God’s people, those who observe his commands and exercise Yeshua’s faithfulness” (Revelation 14:12).
©2021 Tentstake Ministries Publishing