Last year we arrived in Alaska on Thanksgiving. We only left for 6 weeks to retrieve our new trailer, see our other children, and return here for the summer camp host season. So, we’ve been ‘here’ for one year. Last Thanksgiving when we arrived it was cold, but it rained a lot until mid-December. Today, we have our first winter snow! Nearly 2 1/2 feet! The power went off where we’re living, the same place as last year, Kathnu Spirit, and the shaking of starting the generator threw my phone off the nightstand, but now we have a bit of warmth and a few lights.

About 10 a.m., while still being cozy in my bed, my daughter, son-in-law and two grands appeared outside the door. It’s SNOW MACHINE time! So, off on a snow machine I will go to mail my Hanukkah gifts to my children in the Lower 48. Still lovin’ Alaska!
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