“Come, my people, enter your rooms, and shut your doors behind you. Hide yourselves for a little while until the wrath is past” (Isaiah 26:20).
While the world reeled from the global orders surrounding the Wuhan virus, those who attached themselves to the Biblical calendar celebrated Pesach. As commanded thousands of years ago in Egypt, this year’s Pesach found families gathered behind closed doors in their homes waiting for Elohim to reveal Himself. Glasses of wine were poured and shared and unleavened bread was broken to remember deliverance and redemption. Through Yeshua and his words at his final Pesach, the renewed marriage covenant between Elohim and His people became memorialized in this ‘appointed time.’
Unleavened Bread
During the days of Matzah or Unleavened Bread that follows Passover, I watched an interesting video by Alef-Bet Ministries about the burning bush and the three signs that Elohim gave Moshe to show the Israelites that would not only prove He sent Moshe, but would also heal them from the 400 years of emotional scars they carried.
The first sign for Moshe was the staff that transformed into a snake and then return to being a staff. Even though the Egyptian magicians could perform this same ‘trick,’ this was a ‘sign’ for the Israelites that Elohim knew His people had been treated like animals. He saw that the leaders of Egypt had been programmed to believe the multiplying Hebrews were an ‘infestation’ that needed to be controlled and conquered. Pharaoh’s edicts reduced Elohim’s people to ‘snakes’ slithering on the ground which made them hated and easy targets for abuse and death. But He was able to pick them up ‘by their tails’ and restore them to their original purpose: His treasured possession.
For the second sign Moshe put his hand in his cloak and when he pulled it out, it was white with leprosy. When he returned his hand to his cloak it came out healed. As explained in the video, the white of the leprosy was symbolic of death. This death, however, was the death of of newborn babies. In Exodus 1:15-6, Pharaoh gives an order to the midwives to kill all baby boys as they are delivered on the birthing stool. This means that the midwives would perform a post-birth murder (break the child’s neck) and hand a stillborn infant son to its mother.
Two midwives did not follow the Pharaoh’s orders and allowed the baby boys to live. However, because of their refusal to kill babies, Pharaoh issued a new decree for all Egyptians in Exodus 1:22. This decree not only applied to the guards, leaders and midwives, but to the citizens of the entire nation. If you were a Hebrew woman walking down the street, any Egyptian, man or woman, could steal your baby boy from your arms and throw him in the Nile River. This effectively made stealing newborns and drowning them acceptable to an entire nation.
The third sign was to be done in Egypt. Moshe was to take some water from the Nile and pour it onto the ground where it would turn to blood. This would be another ‘sign’ to the Hebrews that Elohim saw all of the blood of their ‘nameless’ sons buried in the water of the Nile River.
While I was listening to the explanation of this last sign, I had a clear vision about the Wuhan pandemic, especially in New York where thousands of people were dying of the virus and placed in mass graves on Hart Island, not even able to have proper burials because of the number of deaths. They were nameless and faceless to even their own family members who were not allowed near them during their dying days.
The headquarters for Planned Parenthood, the world’s abortion machine, is located in Manhattan where there have been 15,789 virus deaths and 274,252 abortions in just the past two years. China has also has an infant death record on their heads. For centuries it has encouraged the infanticide of baby girls. Just as Elohim wanted His people to know that He saw the mass murder of Hebrew baby boys, He is using the China virus to judge the world’s murder of millions of babies who have no names and no faces. Adonai knows and sees everything. He is dealing with the sin of child murder on a global level as nearly every country in the world has some sort of legalized abortion. Even the few, like Egypt, that don’t allow abortion had some Wuhan cases, but very few. With a population of 98.2 million, Egypt only had 816 deaths. This is .00000830 chances of dying in Egypt.
During the days of Unleavened Bread is Yom Habikkurim or Feast of Firstfruits when the resurrection of Yeshua occurred. In the midst of all of the death in this world, there is offered the hope of life, redemption and restoration. Yet, even this event, the most profound and miraculous event in world history – the resurrection of the Jewish Messiah Yeshua – was ‘hidden’ from the world due to stay-at-home orders abolishing large gatherings. Could it be that the time for repentance is running out for the world? Could it be that Adonai is hiding His face because of the massive global sin of murder? Could our Yeshua be preparing to become a Warrior?
Counting the Omer
Beginning with Firstfruits and ending with Feast of Weeks is the Counting of the Omer or the 50 days between the Resurrection of Yeshua and the pouring out of the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit). During these 50 days of barley harvest, there has been a lot of confusion regarding the pandemic from inflated number of deaths to wondering how this virus began whether from a lab or from eating things Elohim never intended to be food.
“You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (John 8:32).
Censorship of truth, whether it’s information about the danger of rushing a vaccine or nurses and doctors revealing scientific facts about the human body and health, is spreading unchecked so that people are incapable of making intelligent decisions for their own lives. This lack of truth is keeping much of the world’s population in bondage: bondage at remaining at home where they have a false sense of security by keeping themselves from sunshine and fresh air. Even though we are ‘fearfully and wonderfully’ created by Adonai, a lack of faith in anything divine is keeping humanity from working with the very immune systems that were given to us for fighting illness.
Quarantine is required in many places, or as we call it ‘set-apart time’ because Biblically speaking, quarantine is only for sick people and there are millions of people ‘quarantining’ who aren’t sick. Also according to the Bible, quarantine was set at 7 days with a review of the symptoms by the priest and then another possible 7 days. Contrary to Elohim’s commands, the quarantine of healthy people continues because of the ‘fear’ of being asymptomatic. These lies from wherever they are coming will continue to keep people from living and allowing more to die.
The Days of Woe
When I think of this time period in terms of Biblical truth, I am reminded of three verses. The first two come from the prophet Isaiah:
“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who substitute [set] darkness for light and light for darkness; Who substitute [set] bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!” (Isaiah 5:20).
We are living in the days of ‘woe’ or ‘great sorrow and distress’ where good is called evil and evil is called good. How so?
Consider the word ‘essential.’ It is ‘essential’ to murder babies during the pandemic, but not ‘essential’ to gather in groups to worship the Creator of the Universe? It is ‘essential’ for pot and alcohol to be sold, but sunshine or Vitamin D and fresh air are not? What about ‘essential oils?’ We are being blinded by deception and lies, through the father of lies. We are seeing and hearing what is being allowed to be seen and heard by powers and principalities that were destroyed by Yeshua himself, but will be given power again at the end of days. Sweet for bitter? We are told it is ‘sweet’ to stay home and stay safe, distance yourself from those you love or wear a mask as if we’re all at a masquerade party. Or, are these ‘mandates’ bitter to our tastebuds that have been seared as if by a hot iron of twisted information.
Days of Conspiracy
“You are not to say, ‘It is a conspiracy!’ In regard to all that this people call a conspiracy, And you are not to fear what they fear or be in dread of it” (Isaiah 8:12).
Conspiracy is defined as a ‘secret plan by a group to do something harmful.’ The prophet Isaiah warns us that we are not to get involved in conspiracy theories or fear them as the masses do. Unfortunately, when evil is called good and truth is called a lie, then what is a conspiracy theory may actually be what is really happening. In any case, we are not to fear ‘what they fear’. Fear is a ‘spirit’ that is not of God. He gives us a sound mind through studying and knowing His Word, and eternal love through faith and walking with Yeshua. It is interesting that the Complete Jewish Bible translates ‘fear’ into ‘timidity.’ Being timid means to be a coward and fainthearted. In these days, those who believe Yeshua is Sovereign King of Kings should not shrink back or fear what is coming on this world because a ‘new heaven and earth’ is a promise.
Confusion and Disorder
“For God is not a God of confusion but of peace” (1 Corinthians 14:33).
Though this verse in Corinthians refers to speaking in other languages and the need for ordered gatherings, this is what is happening today in the world. Tongues through social media are wagging everywhere and they don’t stop long enough for anyone to figure out if what is actually being said is true. Within seconds another tongue is wagging saying something completely different. I remember hearing a long time ago that sound travels on forever which is why Adonai wants us to speak less and listen more. All of these tongues wagging with nothing but garbage fills the universe with a cacophony of sound creating universal confusion.
Some days I feel like I’m reading the Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis. The book is written by a demon named Screwtape to Wormwood, another demon. Ultimately they are trying to bring one man into the Satanic Kingdom (and fail). These demons write letters back and forth with lies and deceptions, lying and deceiving each other until, well, I stopped reading the book because I became entirely confused as to what was truth and what was a lie.
Wait for the Promise
Ten days before the end of counting the omer, Yeshua meets with his disciples on the Mount of Olives. At this time, he tells them to wait for the promise in the city of Jerusalem. Then, he is taken up into the heavenly realm in the clouds before their eyes. An angel appears and tells them that he will return in the same way – in the clouds.
“If you love me, you will keep my commands; and I will ask the Father, and he will give you another comforting Counselor like me, the Spirit of Truth, to be with you forever” (John 14:15-16).
Ten days after Yeshua returns to his throne at the right hand of his Father is the Feast of Weeks or Shavuot. This Biblical holy day is upon those who know and understand the Biblical calendar and ‘appointed times’ of Yeshua. Again, we wait for the promise. This promise is the pouring out of the the Wind of God, on the Jewish nation first, then the gentiles. Could it be that this year there will be an outpouring of Elohim’s Ruach in Israel like never seen before? A pouring out on Jewish people all over the world who will turn to Messiah and be called into the ‘greater exodus’ from the nations around the world and return to the Promised Land? Here’s an awesome video from Isra’el and Isaiah 53, the forbidden chapter.
“Therefore behold, the days are coming,” declares the Lord, “when they will no longer say, ‘As the Lord lives, who brought up the sons of Israel from the land of Egypt,’ but, ‘As the Lord lives, who brought up and led back the descendants of the household of Israel from the north land and from all the countries where I had driven them.’ Then they will live on their own soil” (Jeremiah 23:7-8).
On Shavuot the high priest in Jerusalem waved two leavened loaves of bread before the Altar signifying the joining of the Jew and gentile in the faith of Abraham. Could this Shavuot be the day in which the Christian nations awaken to their responsibility to become part of the Commonwealth of Israel so that Yeshua is glorified in the earth? So the chosen people may be sealed from His wrath? Could it be on this Shavuot the Ruach haKodesh will be poured out on the world in such a way that many hundreds of thousands are ‘cut to the heart’ and repent from transgressing Torah that was taught and lived out by Yeshua himself? Stop eating unclean foods? Stop nodding assent to immoral relationships? Begin celebrating the Biblical Sabbath because Yeshua said he was Lord of the Sabbath? I don’t know, but as each of these spring feasts have unfolded this year, they have prophetic relevance to the world events surrounding this pandemic. As a ‘called out’ one, I will wait and watch how the Ruach will move.
After Shavuot there is the long interval of summer before the fall ‘appointed times.’ This summer the people of the world will try to begin living again. Leaders may take baby steps waiting to see whether death tolls rise or drop, whether the numbers are true or false. Many in ‘free’ countries will begin to revolt as they cry out for a return to normal life. Fewer people will become sick due to sunshine and fresh air. Some families will once again hug and kiss. Small business owners will reopen and begin to dig themselves out of an economic pit. Masks and social distancing will remain for those who embrace the ‘new normal.’ Funerals for loved ones will have mourners and wedding celebrations will be filled with guests.
“And just as it happened in the days of Noah, so it will be also in the days of the Son of Man: they were eating, they were drinking, they were marrying, they were being given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all” (Luke 17:26-27).
“For you yourselves know full well that the day of the Lord will come just like a thief in the night” (1 Thessalonians 5:2).
“So remember what you have received and heard; and keep it, and repent. Therefore if you do not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what hour I will come to you” (Revelation 3:3).
Feast of Trumpets
“Oh, sinful nation, a people weighed down by iniquity, descendants of evildoers, immoral children! They have abandoned Adonai, spurned the Holy One of Isra’el, turned their backs on him! “Where should I strike you next, as you persist in rebelling? The whole head is sick, the whole heart diseased. From the sole of the foot to the head there is nothing healthy, only wounds, bruises and festering sores that haven’t been dressed or bandaged or softened up with oil” (Isaiah 1:4-6)
After the dog days of summer when the Sovereign King brings forth the second wave of Wuhan or something different to disrupt the lives of people on planet earth, the first fall ‘appointed time’ arrives in the season for corporate repentance. This year is also a Shemitah or a beginning of a Sabbath year. We have already watched the earth begin its Shemitah as the air is cleaner, the sky is bluer, the water is clearer, and the incessant shaking has slowed down. But even with the earth seemingly at rest, the prophecy given by Yeshua for the end of days birth pangs seems to be growing stronger. There are wars and rumors of wars, earthquakes all over the world, false prophets on social media and the news stations, and the spiritual distancing from Torah by many who call themselves believers has made the love of many toward Adonai Himself, grow cold – so cold they don’t even know His prophetic times through His Son (Matthew 24).
“For loving God means obeying his commands. Moreover, his commands are not burdensome” (1 John 5:3).
With so many unique events falling into place during the spring Feasts of the Lord Yeshua, could it be that the ‘day of the Adonai’ is as near as this coming Feast of Trumpets? Or, will there be another yearly cycle until the priests in Jerusalem are given the final ‘okay’ to offer the sacrificial lamb on Pesach on the Temple mount?
As Yeshua warned ‘do not be deceived,’ let us not fall into listening to what the world says. Instead, as he says to each of the Messianic communities, “Those who have ears, let them hear what the Spirit is saying…” (Revelation 2:7, Revelation 2:11, Revelation 2:17, Revelation 2:26-29), Revelation 3:5-6, Revelation 3:12-13, Revelations 3:21-22).
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