Sunrise: 5:25 a.m.; Sunset 9:06 p.m.
We really needed a Shabbat and Liard won the toss. We could relax in the hot springs and being early in the season, there would be fewer people in the campground. We met some wonderful people in Dawson Creek (from Anchorage) and they arrived Friday evening at Liard along with two other couples from Ninilchik in the Kenai Peninsula. Everyone also had ties to Colorado so soaking in the springs made for some fun conversation. At the end the called us ‘Alaskans,’ lol. One couple has a boat and fishes in Homer for halibut and expect to visit us at Cooper Creek.
The first day at Liard was sunny and a balmy 50 degrees. This type of weather heats our trailer very nicely which is needed as Liard has no hook-ups whatsoever – water, electric or sewer. No issue for us boondockers, a warm trailer is cozier. Saturday was a cloudy day and the temperature never got above 40 which made for a much cooler day. After a breakfast of sourdough pancakes and our Torah study, we spent the rest of the day reading, eating a chocolate cake I decided to make, along with another soak in the hot springs. It was a very relaxing Sabbath and prepared us for today’s trek into the Yukon Territory.
We left Liard quite early in the morning hoping to see some wildlife. Along the Liard River, where many trappers lost their lives in the harsh winters, bison tend to graze by the road. The herds travel for miles and their ‘buffalo chips’ can be seen for miles as well.
Vocabulary word for the day: Liard is French for ‘poplar’ as poplar trees line the Liard River Canyon
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