“I will go on walking in the presence of Adonai in the lands of the living” (Psalm 116:9).
One of the drawbacks for our family living in podunk, Nebraska, was getting out and hiking relatively close to our home. Mt. Vernon, the highest point in our little county (a tiny bump on the prairie), did not make the cut. While we live once again in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, we tried to take advantage of some hiking opportunities.
The first place we went was the Dam Store. It didn’t include much of a hike, but it was something my daughter wanted to do. She wanted a ‘Dam Keychain’ so we had to go up the ‘Dam Tower’ and look at the ‘Dam Store.’ Yeah, you get the idea.
Everyday and sometimes twice a day, we walked the 1 mile loop in the park by the river taking notice of the changing season from winter to mountain spring. We also hiked in the Rabbit Mountain Open Space near Lyons, the Devil’s Backbone in Loveland and visited the old homestead of Bobcat Ridge. We went back to our old homestead on Melvina Hill in Boulder and concluded our little stay in Colorado visiting friends in Nederland.
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