“I’m directing you on the way of wisdom, guiding you in paths of uprightness; when you walk, your step won’t be hindered; and if you run, you won’t stumble” (Proverbs 4:11-12). Today is April 1, the day of understanding that wisdom is greater than foolishness.
One of the first objects we placed in Sadie was our mezzuzah, with an olive branch, and we dedicated our new ‘home’ to the LORD and His purposes. We anointed it with oil and prayed that whoever me meet, wherever, that the glory of the God of Israel would be evident. Each time we leave or come into our little ‘condo on wheels’, we are reminded of God’s provision for us in a time when everything in life is topsy turvy, crazy and stretching us to the max.
When we arrived in Loveland, Colorado, the Big Thompson was barely a creek, as we prepare to leave, it has become a river. When we arrived, the trees were bare, as we prepare to leave, they have a green tint. Over the nearly 8 weeks we have been here, our children have visited from Fort Collins, Parker and even San Jose. Mr. Harper has also enjoyed the dog park and the walks along the paths. We have eaten eggs from the ‘ladies’ and met wonderful people.
Drew and Lou were the first. Without them, we would have never survived the first night. That may sound funny, but they were seasoned RVers and showed us that our little ‘rig’ was missing a few ‘big’ important things. Over the weeks here, the Four Seasons folks have been wonderful. They had to give us fittings they forgot, replace the boards on the fridge and furnace, fix the leaking shower that the manufacturer didn’t seal, and re-screw the shelf in the closet after all of my clothes fell down. We are grateful that we are only 20 minutes from these people and that all of this happened here and not on the Alcan Highway in the middle of the ‘lost frontier.’ Neighbors have come and gone with the last being Wendy. She was an incredible blessing as she gave us the information we needed to become true ‘nomads’ with a personal mailbox, legal residence in Box Elder, South Dakota. As for the people who work at Riverside: amazing, friendly and gave us a lot of advice on hosting a campground.
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©2017 Tentstake Ministries