This is the most beautiful explanation for wearing a head covering (by a woman and not a man) that I have ever heard. It does represent who I am in Yeshua as His Bride.
The first time I put a covering on my head I felt like a Queen, a Princess, part of the Royal Priesthood. Since I have no issue with the mitzvah (and holding to the tradition spoken of by Paul in 1 Corinthians 11), I join with this young woman in being a ‘proud Jewish woman’. After all, my Bridegroom is Jewish and everything in his life -– past, present, and future – will someday be mine. Like this lovely woman, I don’t mind ‘sticking out’ though I did feel more ‘at home’ and ‘accepted’ in Israel than I’ve ever felt anywhere else while covering.
She mentioned Numbers 5 (B’Midbar) where the woman’s tichel was removed while determining if she was an adultress. I actually had a pastor tear mine off my head and call me a gypsy. In essence he was saying that according to Torah that I was an unfaithful wife! This woman expresses the humiliation I felt like no one else.
It is halacha, a way to walk out a life of faith through an incredible expression, and I’m honored to be walking with her. More importantly, it is the halacha of women who are especially betrothed to Yeshua, our Bridegroom, a testimony of their faithfulness to him.