What motivates your child? Why are there such personality differences between your children? Why are some children more outspoken than others? Why do some children love to read? Why do other children love animals? Why do some children order others around?
I compiled this children’s survey from an adult one created by WorldTeam, Inc. When doing this little survey to discover your child’s/children’s spiritual gifts, please remember that these are just guidelines for better understanding your children and how to pray for them. God made them and He will mold them into the people He desires them to become. We are called as parents to nurture them and provide a loving environment so as His seedlings, they may grow into their fullest potential.
It is most important, too, that your children know and understand that they have been created uniquely by God and as such, they will be different and unique from all other people – even their own siblings. Teach them that God has empowered them with gifts to be used for His glory. As they begin to operate in their spiritual motivations, they will be fulfilling their own good, pleasing and perfect will of their Father.
Jeremiah 1:4-5 “The word of the Lord came to me, saying, ‘Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, before you were born, I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”
Galatians 1:15 “But when God, who set me apart from birth and called me by His grace, was pleased to reveal His Son in me so that I might preach Him among the Gentiles, I did not consult any man.”
Psalm 138:13-16 “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before on of them came to be.”
In order to do the survey below, you will need the Children’s Key/Form. Follow the directions on the form to tally the responses of your children.
1. You like games that are real and not pretend.
2. You like your room cleaned up and orderly.
3. Everyone seems to like you and enjoy being around you.
4. You love to collect things and love to receive magazines.
5. You love little cars and trucks or tea sets and crafts.
6. You are very friendly and find it hard to keep secrets to yourself.
7. Loud noises bother you because you like the quiet.
8. You love to play sports and follow the rules.
9. You like to be on time when you are going somewhere.
10. When you are with a lot of people, you find yourself having lots of fun, talking and visiting.
11. You don’t mind not having close friends.
12. You enjoy knitting or looking through a microscope or playing with construction sets.
13. You love to share you toys your books, your activities with everyone.
14. You love to hug and be cuddled.
15. You love being part of a group of people.
16. You stand your ground when friends want you to do something you know is wrong.
17. You enjoy pretending you are in movies or plays. You are good at acting.
18. You love to organize you room, your books and your toys. You love labels.
19. Playing with clay and coloring is a lot of fun.
20. You enjoy being around people.
21. You love pets and reading about animals.
22. You always want to know ‘why’ something happens in a book or story.
23. You like to tell people how to play games, put toys together.
24. You love jokes and teasing people, but you know when to stop.
25. You enjoy doing many different things rather than focusing on one interest.
26. You really love being with your family.
27. You don’t like to be corrected unless there’s a good reason and it makes sense to you.
28. When someone is sick, you want to make them feel better.
29. You have a lot of energy.
30. You enjoy playing alone.
31. Whenever you can help make someone’s job easier, you help.
32. You enjoy solving problems and have thoughts of being a detective and solving a big mystery.
33. When you have too much to do, you feel overwhelmed.
34. You would rather play with other children than with your toys.
35. You love stories with happy endings.
36. You only like activities that interest you.
37. You love to read all different kinds of books, stories, and magazines.
38. You are always ‘up’ and happy, and full of life.
39. You love to make plans and write everything down.
40. You get nervous when you have to speak in front of a group of people. You don’t really like oral presentations.
41. You are loyal and faithful to your friends.
42. You love to do what other people are doing.
43. You wonder about what is going to happen tomorrow or in the future.
44. You love to prepare assignments for school.
45. Forgiving is better than holding a grudge so you quickly forgive people when they hurt you.
46. You like animals, but don’t like to take care of them.
47. Sometimes you pretend to be a teacher or librarian or secretary.
48. Throwing anything away makes you feel wasteful.
49. You want to cry whenever you’re corrected.
50. When you color out of the lines, you want to throw away the picture.
51. Your friends ask you to show them how to do things they want to learn.
52. You wonder why things happen as they do.
53. You lay out your clothing for the next morning so you are prepared.
54. You enjoy helping when you think of what to do and do it.
55. You love to do things to make other people feel happy.
56. Sometimes it’s hard for you to tell others what you are feeling.
57. You want your friends to do as you tell them after you tell them.
58. Intricate toys fascinate you, but you don’t take them apart unless you know how to put them back together again.
59. You enjoy spending time with your parents and family.
60. You always seem to have a new idea for a project or plan.
61. You don’t like constant reading. It’s boring.
62. You sometimes find yourself telling other people what you think about them and what they are doing.
63. You think it’s unfair when someone is treated unkindly and you stick up for that person.
The Key Chart for Children’s Survey
©2013 Tentstake Ministries Publishing and The Keys to Church Harmony, 1983