I use the Hebrew Scriptures in English because they are the most reliable of the ancient writings. People claim that over the centuries men have changed the Bible so much that we don’t know what is true and what is not. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Biblical scrolls were hidden in 70 A.D. in various caves near the Dead Sea. No one knew they were there so no one could change what was written. In 1948, they were found by an Arab shepherd boy. When the Dead Sea Scrolls are compared to the manuscripts of the Hebrew Scriptures used today, they are identical proving today’s Bible is authentic and has not been changed.
Even before the Dead Sea Scrolls were put in clay jars in a cave, the Greeks translated the Hebrew Scriptures into their language about 300 B.C. These writings are known as the Septuagint and they, too, have been compared to the Dead Sea Scrolls with no significant differences found.
Some people claim the Jews rewrote the Torah to contradict others’ religious beliefs and books, but this is also not supported by the evidence in the Dead Sea Scrolls. If the Jews had changed any jot or tittle, it would have been found in the more modern writings, however, Jewish scribes are so meticulous that if one jot or tittle is incorrect, they throw the entire page away.
If there is a manuscript or another book that claims to be ‘Biblical’, it needs to be written before 70 A.D. and compared to the Dead Sea Scrolls. For example, the Jehovah Witnesses claim to use the Bible, however, their Bible was translated in the 1800’s and has numerous departures from the Hebrew Scriptures. I’ve looked up Scriptures in the Jehovah Witness Bible and found familiar verses had been deleted or drastically changed to support a Jehovah Witness ideology. These changes contradict the Hebrew Scriptures making this book a different book altogether. Because of the changes, they view God, His plan of redemption, His Son and His chosen people from a completely different perspective.
Another example is the King James Version of the Bible written in 1611. Many Christians claim this is the ‘only’ authorized version and won’t use any other translation. Who authorized it? King James. He was a tyrant king and the reason many Puritans fled England to become what we know as the Pilgrims. These Christians wanted to leave England because King James used his rendition of the Bible to control his subjects. Compared to the Dead Sea Scrolls, there are many changes in the King James translation because he wanted to be king, and not compete with the King of the Universe.
The Koran was written between 653 and 656 A.D. centuries after the Dead Sea Scrolls were buried and hidden. Just like every other prophetical writing should be compared to the Dead Sea Scrolls to authenticate what is written, so should the Koran. When compared to the the Hebrew Scriptures, it is flawed and not authentic.
There are warnings in the Scriptures about adding to or taking away from the Word of God. These warnings are for everyone: Jew and non-Jew, Israel, and non-Israel, Jehovah Witnesses, Church of England and Islam. Men love to bring glory to themselves, and desire power and control over people. They change the Bible to say what they want it to say perverting the Truth to gain followers for themselves.
Everyone has to choose which Words of God they will accept, but I will continue to use the Hebrew Scriptures because their authenticity has been proven by the Dead Sea Scrolls. It holds the Word of God about His Redemption, His Land, and His chosen people.
“Every word of God is flawless; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him. Do not add to his words, or he will rebuke you and prove you a liar” (Proverbs 30:5-6).
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