“The day after Passover they ate what the land produced, matzah and roasted ears of grain that day” (Joshua 5:11).

Unleavened bread or matzah is eaten at Passover and for the seven days of the Feast of Unleavened Bread. Matzah can be purchased or made at home. Homemade matzah gives a personal touch to the Feasts and also makes tasty little peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
Ingredients: 3 cups whole wheat flour (or ½ whole wheat and ½ unbleached), 2 tsp salt, 3 TBsp butter, 2 egg yolks, 2 tsp olive oil, 1 cup water
To make the dough, add salt to the flour, then cut the butter into flour mixture as you would for a pie crust.
In another bowl, beat egg yolks adding oil slowly. Pour this mixture into the dough and stir with spoon or fork until it forms a ball that comes away from the sides of the bowl. Knead lightly on a floured board for about one minute to shape the dough into a soft ball.
Pinch off about 1/3 cup of dough and with your hands, pat it as thin as can easily be done. Roll thinner with a rolling pin. Keep working the dough and rolling it until dough is so thin it just holds together without breaking when handled.
Place rolled-out dough on a cookie sheet. Cut into shapes –– squares or circles –– and pierce with a fork.
Bake at 400˚ for 8-12 minutes until puffed or very light brown.