Festival of Lights
Ted Pearce
Choreography: Julie Almanrode
7-up Left, 7-up Right Holding Hands
Verse – Facing Center
1-4 Cherkessia with opening hands
5-8 Cross Mayim Left
9-12 Step together Step Forward
13-16 Step together Step Backward
17-20 Bowing Cherkessia
21-24 Yemenite with pivot into circle keeping arms in the air
25-32 Slow 2-count box
1-4 Brush kick with a step behind
5-8 R Hop, L Hop with claps
9-12 Cross Mayim Left – arms level with body as if serving latkes
13-24 Cherk Left – R arm raised
Turn Right
17-20 Cherk Right – L arm raised
Turn Left
2 ct. Ski bunny R-L Arms raised, snap fingers (night)
1-4 Polka into circle RF-LF Arms raised
5-8 Polka out of circle RF-LF Arms raised
1-4 Cherkessia
5-8 3-up (Cross Mayim L)
Filler 7-up Right
Repeat Verse, Chorus
Fillers 3x
Repeat Verse, Chorus
Third Verse Ending – This last chorus begins about 2:30 into the song.
1-4 Polka into circle RF-LF
5-8 Polka out of circle RF-LF
1-4 Cherkessia Arms Raised
5-8 Cross Mayim Left
Fun Ending! ALL turns BEGIN with the pointed foot stepping back out to make the turn. Turns are 2 -3 point with a pause to begin the next 7-up! Have FUN!
7-up R
Turn R 1-4, 3-up R
7-up L
Turn L 1-4, 3-up L
7-up R
3-up L, Turn 5-8 L
7-up L
7-up R
3-up L , Turn 5-8 L
7-up L
7-up R
1-4 R Turn, 3-up R
7-up L
Ending – VERY SLOW
Slow Mayim with arms in front of you
Cherk L, Cherk R
Slow Turn to Finish
The song is longer than the dance and we stop the dance at the beginning of the long silence!