Steve McConnell
ALSO – Dance to We Delight, Aviad Cohen
Alvinu malkanu, Our father our king,
Lord we delight in your Shabbat
We enter your rest and your praises we sing,
Lord we delight in your Shabbat,
We delight, we delight, we delight in your Shabbat,
We delight, we delight, we delight in your Shabbat,
In six days you painted the face of the earth,
Lord we delight in your Shabbat,
and carved out a day when you rest from your work,
Lord we delight in your Shabbat,
You brought forth a nation from Abraham,
Lord we delight in your Shabbat,
And spared your son and provided a ram,
Lord we delight in your Shabbat,
The prophets for told that Messiah would come,
Lord we delight in your Shabbat,
Shema Israel, the Lord God is one,
Lord we delight in you Shabbat,
Just as you rested when your work was done,
Lord we delight in your Shabbat,
We enter your rest by the work of your son,
Lord we delight in your Shabbat,
The lilies you dressed and the sparrows you feed
Lord we delight in your Shabbat,
You Elohim provide every need,
Lord we delight in your Shabbat,
The people will enter your rest when we cry,
Lord we delight in your Shabbat,
Baruch haba B’Shem Adonai,
Lord we delight in your Shabbat,
Choreographer: Dawnita Carlson
Part I Verse 1
8 counts: CCW: RF steps forward & hop, LF steps forward & hop,
Run R, L, R, L, (hands raise)
8 counts: CCW: RF yemenite hop, LF yemenite hop, (hands lower & raise)
Part II Chorus 1
8 counts: face CCW: Hopping turn in place over L shoulder RF, LF, RF, LF
(R hand raised),
8 counts: RF cherkessia (hands raise and lower),
RF hops to R, LF touches toes next to RF (hands raised R),
LF hops to L, RF touches toes next to LF (hands raised L),
Part III Interlude
6 counts: CCW: RF steps forward & hop, LF steps forward & hop,
Run R, L (hands on hips),
Revised 6-05-02