Paul Wilbur
God has placed watchman on your walls O Jerusalem
They will not be silent any more
Choreographer: Dawnita Carlson
Part I Prelude
8 counts Face center: RF cherkessia (hands raise and lower)
RF cross mayim L (hands cross at wrist & raise apart)
8 counts CW: RF step together step & pivot ¼ turn to face center
LF touches toes 12:00, 11:00 10:00 and next to RF
(hands raised forward & extend apart, snap 4x )
8 counts Face center: LF cherkessia (hands raise and lower)
LF cross mayim R (hands cross at wrist & raise apart)
8 counts CCW: LF step together step & pivot ¼ turn to face center
RF touches toes 12:00, 1:00 2:00 and next to LF
(hands raised forward & extend apart, snap 4x )
Repeat Part I 5X
Part II Verse
8 counts Face center: walk in 4 steps R, L , R & pivot ½ turn R to face out
LF cherkessia (hands raise and lower)
8 counts walk out 4 steps L, R, L & pivot ½ turn L to face center
RF steps R, LF crosses RF, RF steps R, LF crosses RF
Repeat 3x
4 counts RF touches toes 12:00, 1:00 2:00 and next to LF (only after 1st set of Verses)
4 counts Stomps RF 4x
Part III Chorus
8 counts CCW RF steps R, LF steps behind RF, RF steps R & pivot ½ turn out R
(RH raised)
LF steps L, RF steps behind LF, LF steps L & pivot ½ turn in L (LH raised)
8 counts Face center RF step together step forward & hop (hands raise)
LF step together step backward & hop (hands lower)
8 counts CCW RF steps R, LF steps behind RF, RF steps R & pivot ½ turn out R
(RH raised)
LF steps L, RF steps behind LF, LF steps L & pause (LH raised)
8 counts Face out RF step together step forward & hop (hands raised)
LF step together step backward & hop (hands lower)
8 counts CW face out RF steps R, LF steps behind RF, RF steps R & pivot ½ turn in R (RH raised)
LF steps L, RF steps behind LF, LF steps L & pause (LH raised)
8 counts Face center RF step together step forward & hop (hands raised)
LF step together step backward & hop (hands lower)
8 counts CCW RF steps R, LF steps behind RF, RF steps R & pivot ½ turn out R
(RH raised)
LF steps L, RF steps behind LF, LF steps L & pivot ½ turn in L (LH raised)
8 counts Face center RF step together step forward & hop (hands raise)
LF step together step backward & hop (hands lower)
8 counts CCW RF steps R, LF steps behind RF, RF steps R & pivot ½ turn out R
(RH raised)
LF steps L, RF steps behind LF, LF steps L & pivot ½ turn in L (LH raised)
4 counts RF touches toes 12:00, 1:00 2:00 and next to LF
Repeat III
8 counts Face center: RF cherkessia (hands raise and lower)
RF cross mayim L (hands cross at wrist & raise apart)
8 counts CW: RF step together step & pivot ¼ turn to face center
LF touches toes 12:00, 11:00 10:00 and next to RF
(hands raised forward & extend apart, snap 4x )
Postlude same as prelude 2X