Joel Chernoff
When you rise up
The nations will scatter
The nations will scatter
The nations will flee
For You are the giver of law
And You sit enthroned above all
For the Lord is the King of Kings
and victory brings
When you rise up
The nations will scatter
The nations will scatter
The nations will flee,
At the thunder
Thunder of Your voice
The Thunder of Your voice
The nations will flee
The nations will flee
Choreographer: Dawnita Carlson & Ron Breckenfelder
8 cts CW: RF walk & pause, LF walk & pause (hands on hips)
RF step together step forward (RH extends waist high, palm out, thumb down & pulls R)
8 cts CW: LF walk & pause, RF walk & pause (hands on hips)
LF step together step forward (LH extends waist high, palm out, thumb down & pulls L)
16 cts Repeat Prelude
Part I-A Slow Chorus
4 cts CW: Walk R-L-R-L (hands extend low & raise, palms up)
8 cts RF step together step (RH extends waist high, palm out, thumb down & pulls R)
LF step together step (LH extends waist high, palm out, thumb down & pulls L)
4 cts CW: RF crosses LF, LF crosses LF ie: ½ double ct box
(RH extends forward L palm out, LH crosses RH forward R palm out)
16 cts Repeat Part I-A
2 cts Double foot debka R-L (hands cross at wrist, snap L-R)
Part I-B Fast Chorus
8 cts CCW: RF hopping backwards mayim R turning out over L shoulder
(hands raised)
8 cts Face center: RF leaps R, LF steps next to RF, repeat 3x
(hands extend R waist high, palms forward & pull apart)
16 cts Repeat Part I-B
Part II – Verse
8 cts Face center: RF hopping box, (hands cross at wrist & raise part)
8 cts RF yemenite hop (RH extends R & raises center over head)
LF yemenite hop (LH meets R hand raised center & lowers L)
8 cts RF steps back & hops, LF steps back & hops (hands raised)
RF hopping cherk to L bowing low (RH extends low L, LH on hip)
4 cts RF hopping turn R (hands raised)
6 cts Face center: 6 scissor kicks ie: standing on RF kick LF forward,
hop on LF kick RF forward & repeat 5x (hands on hips)
2 cts Double foot debka R-L (hands cross at wrist, snap L-R)
Repeat Part I-B 2x
Part I-C
8 cts Face center: RF brushes floor & LF backwards mayim L turn out over R shoulder
(hands raised & clap 1x)
8 cts Face center: LF leaps L, RF steps next to RF repeat 3x (hands raised & clap 4x)
16 cts Repeat Part I-C
Part III – Bridge
8 cts Face center: RF kibbutz & hop (hands raise R & clap)
LF kibbutz & hop (hands lower & raise L & clap)
8 cts RF 2 pt hop in place over L shoulder (RH raised in fist, LH on hip)
Face center: RF hopping cherk bowing low (RH extended low L, LH on hip)
16 cts Repeat Part III
Repeat Part 1 B & C
Interlude – Same as Prelude 1x – then add the following:
4 cts CW: RF crosses LF, LF crosses LF ie: ½ double ct box & pause 2ct
(RH extends forward L palm out, LH crosses RH forward R palm out)
Interlude Continues slow same as Part I-A 3x minus the debka
Repeat Part I-B 2x & I-C 2x & I-B 2x & I-C 1x
Last time Part I-C goes to the left after the RF brush & LF backward hopping mayim only leap 2x & pause
(no claps, hands extend forward palms out, shoulder high, circle up & down in front 2x & hold, palms up)