Casting Crowns
Choreographer: Christen Bottoms
1-8 Forward R hop, L Hop, pivot , Backward R hop, L hop
9-16 Forward R hop, L Hop, pivot , Backward R hop, L hop
Facing Inside Circle
1-4 Right leap, Right leap, Left Leap, Left leap
5-8 Left cross mayim (slow) with a pivot to outside of circle
9-12 R hop, L hop out of circle, L hop, R hop backwards into circle
13-16 – 2 point turn right with yeminite
Facing Outside of Circle
1-4 Right leap, Left leap, Right leap Left leap
5-8 Left cross mayim (slow) with a pivot to inside of circle
9-12 R hop, L hop into circle, L Hop Right hop back out of circle
13-16 2 point turn right with yeminite
17-20 – L hop, R hop to inside of circle, R hop, L hop out of circle
21-24 – 2 pt turn left with 1/2 yeminite
1-2 Debka (Ski Bunny) Knees go R-L while arms are bent and go L-R
3-12 Backwards hopping mayim
13-16 Windmill
Repeat 5 times end of windmill is
1-4 Skip LF-RF-LF into circle
5-8 Walk backwards out R-L-R-L
9-12 Pivot right, Hop R, Hop L forward
13-16 Walk backwards R-L-R-L
Repeat Verse
Irish Interlude
1-4 3-step hopping jig into circle RF, LF
5-8 3-step hopping jig out of circle LF, RF
9-12 Hopping two point turn
13-16 Left Jig step/hop with LF crossing RF in place with left arm raised
Right Jig step/hop in place with RF crossing LF with right arm raised
Repeat three times – Third time do only the Left Jig step/hop and a debka (ski bunny) to begin the verse and backwards hopping mayims