Aviad Cohen
Choreographer: Jacob Almanrode
Begin CCW after 32 counts
1-4 Run R-L-R-L (claps)
5-8 Slide right, slide right (with clap)
9-12 Polka Turn
12-16 Balances
Repeat 7x
Part I
1-4 RF Step Hop, LF Step Hop
5-8 RF Yeminite with a Hop
9-12 LF Yeminite with a Hop
13-16 1/2 Windmill turning CCW
Repeat 4x
Last time – Same as Part I except end with a balance not a windmill
13-16 Balance L-R-L-R
1-4 RF Cherkessia
5-8 Flying Mayim
Repeat 3x
1-4 Leap R 2x, Leap L 2
Ending Chorus
Repeat Chorus 2x
Repeat Intro 2x
Repeat Chorus 2x
End with a Swishing Windmill
Category: Choreography Files