Elisheva Shomron
Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh,
Adonai, Elohim, Tzevaot,
Asher, Hayah, vehove, veyahvo,
Holy, Holy, Holy,
Lord, God Almighty,
Who was, Who is and who is to come
Choreographer: Maggie Levi
Part I
8 counts: Face center: Walk in R,L,R,L (hands raised),
RF 2 pt turn over R shoulder (2cts each step) (hands raised),
8 counts: RF steps back, LF steps forward (hands lower) RF cherkessia,
RF steps next to LF & pause (hands raise & lower),
Part II
8 counts: CW: RF grapevine L 3 steps (hands follow feet), LF 3 pt turn L
(L hand raised), RF cherk L (L hand raised, R hand low in front)
8 counts: CCW: RF 3pt turn right (R hand raised), LF cherk R
(R hand raised, L hand low in front), bal. L-R-L,
Part III
8 counts: CW: RF grapevine L 3 steps (hands follow feet), LF steps L,
pivot 1 turn out over L shoulder, (L hand at waist, palm up), RF steps R,
LF steps behind RF, RF steps R, pivot 1 turn over R shoulder
(R hand at waist, palm up), LF steps L,
8 counts: CW: RF steps behind LF, LF 3pt turn L (L hand raised), RF cherk L
(R hand low in front), bal. R-L
Revised 2-23-01