Billy Whitman
Halleluyah b’Yeshua
Ha Melech Yisrael
To the Lion of Judah
We sing and praise
Halleluyah b’Yeshua
Ha Melech Yisrael
Adonai Tzedkeynu
Yasha Sar Shalom
Praise Him, He is worthy
Praise Him, Yeshua Ha Mashiach Ben David
Priase Him, give Him glory
Priase Him, Yeshua Ha Mashiach Ben David
Let’s Praise Him, He is worthy
Praise Him, Yeshua Ha Mashiach Ben David
Come praise Him, give Him glory
Priase Him, Yeshua Ha Mashiach Adonai
Yeshua Ha Melech Yisrael
Choreographer: Dawnita Carlson
Part I Verse – CW
8cts RF step together step, LF step together step
8cts RF cherkessia forward, RF heel taps R 2x
8cts RF step together step, LF step together step
8cts RF cherkessia forward cw, RF 3pt turn backward & LF steps forward
4cts RF heel taps R 2x
Repeat Part I
Part II Chorus – Face Center
8cts RF taps R 4x (hands raise apart slowly)
8cts RF 2 pt hopping turn R (hands raised), RF yemenite & pause (lower hands)
8cts LF taps L 4x (hands raise apart slowly)
8cts LF 2 pt hopping turn L (hands raised), LF yemenite & pause (lower hands)
Repeat II
Part III Interlude – Face center
8cts RF steps R & pause (hands raise by shoulder & snap),
LF steps behind RF & pause (hands raise by shoulder & snap), RF yemenite & pause (hands lower)
8cts LF hopping box (hands cross in front & raise) (or walk in L-R, walk out L-R)
8cts LF steps L & pause (hands raise by shoulder & snap),
RF steps behind LF & pause (hands raise by shoulder & snap), LF yemenite & pause (hands lower)
8cts RF hopping box (hands cross in front & raise) (or walk in R-L, walk out R-L)
Order I,I, II, I, III, II
Repeat Part III