Karen and David Seguin
Lefaneycha ani mishtachaveh
Al birkai
Noten lecha samchut
Al kol yamai
Ahalel otcha tnetzach
Ki atah Adonai
Atah levadcha Yeshua
Simchat chayyai
Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh Atah
Kadosh, Kadosh, Atah
I worship before you Lord
I’m down on my knees
I’m giving You all my days, my God my King
I will praise You forever Lord
For You are Adonai
You alone Yeshua, are the joy of my life
Holy, Holy, Holy are You Lord
Holy, Holy are You Lord
Choreographer: Dawnita Carlson
Part I Prelude
8 counts CW: RF cross mayim L (hands follow feet)
RF crosses over LF, LF steps outside of circle & bows L
facing CW (L hand extent L, palm up, R hand on hip)
bal. back to RF, (both hands on hips)
LF steps behind RF & pivot to face center
8 counts CCW: RF open mayim R (hands follow feet)
RF steps outside of circle & bows R facing CCW
(R hand extents R palm up, L hand on hip)
bal. back to LF (both hands on hips)
RF steps behind LF & pivot to face center, LF steps next to RF
Part II Verse
8cts Face center RF cherkessia (hands raise & lower)
RF cherkessia bowing (hands lower & raise)
8cts RF polka turn R (hands raised), face center Bal. R-L
RF crosses LF & pivot to face center, LF steps next to RF (hands raised)