The Feast of Tabernacles is the last of the seven ‘appointed times’ given to God’s people. In Hebrew, the Feast of Tabernacles is Sukkot meaning ‘shelters,’ sukkah is the singular ‘shelter.’ Sukkot is the eight-day fall Feast that follows the Day of Atonement. It is called the ‘season of our joy’ when everyone dances with lulavs and builds temporary shelters with roofs made from branches of trees. Like the other fall festivals, the Feast of Tabernacles has yet to be fulfilled by Yeshua.
Tag: Tabernacles
When was Jesus born?
Most Christians acknowledge that Jesus was not born on December 25 in the middle of winter. Yet few realize that his birth is outlined in the Bible if they could unravel some of the clues given to them in the gospels that refer back to the Hebrew Scriptures. The account of the ‘reason for the season’ begins in the book of Luke chapter 1 when Zechariah was in the Temple burning incense to God. The time of his Temple service is the key to understanding when of the birth of his son, John, took place as well as the birth of Jesus (Yeshua).