After the flood, Noach is given meat to eat along with green plants. In the sacrificial system of the Tabernacle, the fellowship or peace offerings were eaten by the priests or with the individual making the offering. This is not only prophetic to Elohim’s outline for worship in the Tabernacle, but He is showing Noach the required animal offerings. At the same time, Elohim reveals to Noach the difference between the animals he may eat and the animals he may not. This is the second time Elohim gives a dietary command, and this event occurs one thousand years before the Israelites received the Torah at Mount Sinai.
Tag: rainbow
Rainbows, Circumcision, Sabbath
What do a rainbow, circumcision, and the Sabbath have in common? Today I looked up ‘sign of the covenant’ in my lexicon and three verses popped up.
The ‘Signs’ of God
God uses many different ‘signs’ in the Scriptures to reveal Himself, to direct people where they should go and to establish covenants. Each ‘sign’ had a prophetic purpose and brought forth a response from the person or people to whom it was given.