King Solomon ruled Isra’el for 40 years living in peace with foreign nations. Solomon built the first Temple for Adonai on Mount Moriah in Jerusalem, the mountain where Abraham offered his son Isaac centuries earlier. The Temple took seven years to build. Solomon received help from surrounding nations’ resources, especially Lebanon known for its great cedars. When the Temple was completed, King Solomon dedicated it to Adonai with a great time of celebration with music, instruments, and the priesthood.
Tag: Psalms
David, King of Israel
David descended from the Tribe of Judah. His father, Jesse, settled in Bethlehem. As a young adolescent, David shepherded his family’s sheep, and while away from home, he spent his time alone playing the lyre and praising Adonai. After Adonai removed His Spirit from King Saul, he was tormented by an evil spirit that only the David’s music on the lyre could calm the king (1 Samuel 16:14).1 Samuel 16:14).
Jewish Prayer Book
“It is our duty to praise the Master of all, and ascribe greatness to the Author of Creation, who has not made us like the nations of the lands nor placed us like the families of the earth; who has not made our portion like theirs, nor our destiny like all their multitudes.
Psalm 119:56 – Lying in Bed
‘Lying in bed’ is my special prayer closet where God has challenged me, blessed me, encouraged me, allowed me to weep, think, and grow. He has given me visions. He has shown me events in my life (from before I have actual mental memories) that brought healing to my life. He has even woken me up in the middle of the night to pray for some obscure person I haven’t thought about in years – some from childhood or friends of my parents. I still pray for friends, family, my husband and children, and I also include praying for myself. Then I listen, listen intently for that still, small voice of the Spirit to speak to my mind and my heart that will take me on another unique spiritual journey while ‘lying in bed.’