After the Jews returned to Jerusalem and rebuilt the Temple, choirs offered praises of thanksgiving. Todah is found 32 times in the Scriptures.
Tag: peace offering
Parashah 25: Tzav (Give an order)
Fire is a symbol of the Divine Presence of Adonai. In the bush that didn’t burn, Moshe encountered the presence of Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh. The presence of Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh was in the column of fire that led the Israelites during the night as they trekked through the wilderness. When Adonai gave His Torah, the mountain was covered in smoke and fire.
Parashah 24: Vayikra (He called) – LEVITICUS
The sacrifices and offerings stopped in 70 CE because there was no longer a Temple where they could be done. In other words, whenever there is a Temple, there will be a sacrificial system. In the coming Millennial Kingdom, another Temple will be built. According to the prophet Ezekiel, there will be an Altar of Sacrifice in this Temple and there will be regulations for its consecration as well as its offerings (Ezekiel 43). The ‘prince’ will be obligated to present burnt offerings, grain offerings, drink offerings, sin offerings, and peace offerings on the Altar for the House of Isra’el (Ezekiel 45:17).