In this interlude of Tribulation events, Yochanan is shown more details about the ‘great whore’ and ‘the beast’ from Revelation 13. The Hebrew word for ‘whore’ is zanah and means to ‘commit adultery.’ This ‘whore’ or ‘adulteress’ is a spiritual adulteress. She is a harlot who has chosen to forsake the Creator, the God of Isra’el, and submit to false gods. Her global harlotry includes kings and people from every nation, tribe, and tongue.
Tag: overcomers
Revelation Chapter 2 – Thyatira
but leads His people into sexual immorality and encourages them to eat food sacrificed to idols. Yeshua has dealt with Jezebel before and has given her time to repent. Because she has refused to repent, he will throw her onto a sickbed, and those who commit (spiritual) adultery with her will have great trouble.