Israel was commanded to gather once a year ‘on a day and hour unknown’ and blow the trumpet or shofar. Could it be that they (and we) might have the need to recognize and understand the sounds of the trumpet so we can be prepared for the event represented by the sound?
Tag: new moon
Rosh Chodesh – New Month
New Moon celebrations are mentioned throughout the Scriptures. In Hebrew, the New Moon is called Rosh Chodesh. According to Vine’s Dictionary of Biblical Terms, the Hebrew word rosh means ‘head’ and chadash means to ‘renew’ in the sense of ‘refresh.’ The noun form of chodesh means ‘moon’ making Rosh Chodesh literally mean the ‘renewing of the moon’ at the beginning of each month. Using the calendar God gave to the Israelites, there are 12 months of 28 days in a year. Each month is determined by the lunar cycle and begins with the new moon; 14 days after the new moon, there is a full moon.