The Ten Commandments did not complete the instructions of Adonai. He continued to reveal His Torah with His mishpatim or rulings. Mishpat is a Hebrew noun which means ‘judgment or rights.’ Mishpat deals with the act of sitting as a judge and rendering a verdict so that judicial issues are properly executed.
Tag: law
Law – Hebrew: Torah
God,’ ‘law of the LORD,’ the ‘law of Moses.’ According to God, it is to be guarded and observed in order to have abundant life. In the Complete Jewish Bible, Torah is found 410 times; 174 in the Old Testament and 236 in the New. arded and observed for life.
The ‘Law’ of Sin and Death
One of the biggest misconceptions within the tenets of Christianity is that the old testament ‘law’ has been done away with and followers of Christ are no longer ‘under the law.’ Though I cannot be certain from where this doctrine originated, I’m going to guess it evolved from choosing only half of this verse in Romans as a doctrinal view.