Joseph tells everyone to leave, except his brothers. He asks them to “Come closer.” A few verses later he says, “Here! Your own eyes see and the eyes of your brother Benjamin that it is my own mouth speaking to you” (Genesis 45:12). Rashi, suggests that the brothers needed further proof that Joseph was truly their brother so he draws them closer to reveal his heritage. “Your own eyes see [my glory] and that I am your brother for I am circumcised as you are and, furthermore, “That my mouth speaks to you” in the Holy Language [Hebrew].”
Tag: Jewish Jesus
Stop Americanizing Jesus
Jesus was NOT Palestinian. The name Palestine was given to the land of Israel by the Romans. Jesus was not Roman. He was not a Philistine from Philistia either. He was Jewish, with Jewish parents, from the Tribe of Judah, an Israelite, a Hebrew. His skin color was olive, not black African or white British or red Chinese. He was Mediterranean, Middle Eastern.