Yeshua in His Father’s Feasts is a personal or group in-depth study that reveals the shadows and realities of the Messiah in the prophetic visions in the Feasts of the LORD. It will fill in the holes of your Bible when reading the words ‘Jewish feast’ or ‘the feast of the Jews.’ This study will illuminate often-overlooked phrases and idioms that allude to the ‘appointed times’ of God.
Tag: Hanukkah
Praise – Hebrew: Hallel
The Hebrew word hallel means ‘to boast,’ ‘celebrate’ and ‘shine.’ The word is found 165 times in Scripture. The word ‘halleluyah’ comes from hallel and means ‘Praise Yah.’ Psalms chapters 113 to 118 are known as ‘The Hallel.’ These Psalms were sung as prayers by worshipers climbing the steps to the Temple to worship Adonai during the three festival gatherings: Pesach, Shavuot, Sukkot and Hanukkah.
Hanukkah, the Fourth Night
When the Temple was defiled by Antiochus, the holy oil was poured out and the Golden Menorah was seized. Once the Temple was reclaimed from the Syrians, Judah Maccabee ordered the Levite priests to construct a new Menorah to sit in the Holy Place. This Menorah was seized by the Romans in 70 CE (Common Era) and no one knows where it is. Today, the Temple Institute has constructed another Menorah that sits in the Old City of Jerusalem overlooking the Temple Mount.
The history of the Hanukkiah or eight-branched menorah used at Hannukah is a little obscure. Josephus, the Jewish historian, mentions light in reference to Hanukkah, but not the Menorah. The Mishna, the writings of Jewish law, has nothing about a Hanukkiah even to 300 CE. Somewhere sometime, the Hanukkiah developed and was lit. The rabbis codified it in the Talmud, the written oral laws. It was also during this time that the story of the miracle of the oil came about along with many of the traditions found in the eight-day celebration. For a complete hard copy and study questions for each night of Hanukkah, please purchase the complete study guide Yeshua in His Father’s Feasts.
Hanukkah, the First Night
Being God’s treasured possession brings not only blessing, but persecution. The Jewish people have been persecuted since their time of slavery in Egypt. There will always be anti-semitic people like Haman, Antiochus, the Romans, the Crusaders, Hitler, and Muslims who want the destruction of God’s chosen people. The worst persecutions demand the Jewish people stop being Jewish by disobeying the instructions of Adonai in the Torah. This is not something they would ever do and, in spite of severe consequences, they have faithfully guarded the Word of God throughout the millennia with their lives. It is because of their steadfastness to the Torah and the Prophets that we have the Bible today. It is because of the courageous actions of the Maccabees protecting the lineage of Judah that Yeshua, our salvation, could be born. For a hard copy of this article and study questions for each night of Hanukkah, please purchase the complete study guide Yeshua in His Father’s Feasts.