The Hebrew word for ‘angel’ is malakim. Malakim warned Lot to leave the city. Angels are commanded by God to protect His people (Psalm 91:11, Hebrews 1:14). An unnamed malakim stands in front of Daniel in chapter 10. Malakim are known also as Watchers, Warrior hosts of heaven (2 Kings 6:15-17) , Chariots (Psalm 68:17), and Sons of God.
Tag: Gabriel
Revelation Chapter 10 – The Little Scroll
The prophet Ezekiel was given a scroll with writing on the front and back. He is told not to be afraid of the House of Isra’el for they will not listen to the words. No matter what happens to him, Ezekiel is to preach the Word of Elohim so the people will know there is a prophet in their midst (Ezekiel 2). Ezekiel is told to eat the scroll and fill his insides. The scroll tasted like honey (Ezekiel 3). Some scholars suggest the little scroll is the ‘deed’ of ownership for the earth. Others suggest it is the ‘deed’ to the Promised Land.