The last battle that Moshe oversees is with the Midianites. Elohim wants the people of Isra’el to carry out His vengeance. ‘Vengeance’ is defined as ‘punishment inflicted or retribution exacted for an injury or wrong.’ Adonai says when His people are wronged, He will repay. He will take vengeance because when anyone messes with the ‘apple of His eye,’ they are messing with Him and become His enemy. Elohim makes it very clear that He alone takes vengeance; it is not our responsibility (Zechariah 2:8).
Tag: forgiveness
Psalm 103:1-5 – Bless Adonai My Soul
This Hebrew word is used for the ‘new covenant,’ b’rit chadashah revealing a rebuilding, restoring, and renewing of what once was broken (Jeremiah 31:31, Hebrew 8:8).
The Swallowing of Overwhelming Depression
With each of those that I knew who took their lives, much discussion ensues about eternity. Some believe that the person loses eternal life; others believe they never had it. Still others say, ‘once saved, always saved’ or believe that just because the person left loved ones, they receive a special place with God. Though each person has their reasons for their viewpoint, they never really talk about the consequences of the ‘murder of self.’ I had no real opinion so I put it in the category of God knows the destiny of the one who commits suicide since it’s not definitively laid out in Scripture.
Whatever happened to forgiveness?
at happened that people can’t stop feeling anger or resentment toward others and so continue to embrace perceived insults for their standards or principles?