To the credit of the Ephesian community of believers, they hate the Nicolaitans. In Greek, nico means ‘conquer,’ and laitan refers to ‘lay people’; Nicolaitan means ‘conquer the lay people.’ This implies there is a hierarchy in Ephesus –– those who rule and those who submit. Yeshua hates this hierarchy because he is to be the only Shepherd over his sheep, King over his Kingdom, High Priest over his Priesthood, and Bridegroom for his Bride.
Tag: Ephesians
Praying Like Sha’ul
So often my prayers are about my own personal issues rather than focusing on the bigger picture and the needs in the Body of Messiah. Though my problems are important (to God) and the salvation of people I love are important (to me), many of problems in the Body are caused by focusing only on personal issues rather than being prayerful, thankful and grateful for those who have been rescued from darkness to be a light for the Kingdom.