After spending seven days in the Tabernacle, Aaron and his sons are called by Adonai to make offerings. The number eight in Hebrew is sh’mona and is represented by the letter chet. The number eight symbolizes ‘new beginnings.’ Eight people in Noach’s family were saved on the Ark and had a ‘new beginning’ in a changed world. The circumcision of a baby boy happens on the eighth day, a ‘new beginning’ as a child of the covenant. Feast of Tabernacles is an eight-day festival prophetic to the restoration and ‘new beginning’ of the Messianic Era. Yeshua was resurrected on the first day of the week, but in a continuous cycle of days, it was the eighth day, ‘a new beginning.’ All dedications of the Tabernacle took eight days, and the account of the holy oil lasting eight days during Hanukkah brought a ‘new beginning’ through purification for the Temple.
Tag: clean and unclean
2 Corinthians 6:17-7:1 – Come Out From Among Them
For several years, my husband and I had been searching out the Jewish roots of our faith. We had been learning about the Sabbath and the Festivals of the LORD and were trying to incorporate them into our Christian lives. We shared what we could with others in our church only to be looked at strangely or told we were ‘falling away’ from the grace of God and His salvation. Without knowing anyone else who was seeking these things, we felt alone. We continued with our Sunday activities because we were warned about ‘forsaking the fellowship,’ but there was always something missing –– FELLOWSHIP. This particular boring day changed the course of our walk forever.