The Hebrew word machol means ‘dance. Its root comes from chuwl and means ’round dance’ or ‘circle dance.’ This is not an individual dance, but a group that dances in a circle. Chuwl is the ‘father of Heman’ who was a worship singer in Solomon’s Temple (1 Chronicles 25:6, 1 Chronicles 6:18, 1 Chronicles 16:41). This suggests that there was dancing in the Temple along with musical instruments. Machol is found 6 times in Scripture.
Tag: circle dance
Davidic Dance Study
6. Acts 6:5: As the Messianic congregation added more gentiles to the Jewish community, there were complaints that gentile widows were not receiving their daily needs. The apostles suggested choosing seven men to help with the work. They chose a man named Prochorus to be a deacon. In Greek, this man’s name means ‘leader of the dance.’