The world has a skewed view of women and the church which doesn’t teach Torah has embraced this view. Young girls are taught that their God-given role as daughters, wives, and mothers, has less value than having a career. Titus outlines the roles of older and young women, the ‘keepers of the home.’ The Greek word for ‘keeper’ is ouros and means ‘guardian’ (Titus 2:3-5).
Tag: children
Proverbs 9:1-2 – Carving the Weekly Pillars
As I considered these two women, Ma Ingalls and my own mother, I saw that they had created a pattern for accomplishing their work and then resting. In their own way, they had “carved out their seven pillars.” Although both of these women rested on Sunday and not the seventh-day Sabbath as commanded, it was an illustration for me to begin to “carve out my own seven pillars.”