Yeshua says, “many are called, but few are chosen” when talking about guests invited to the wedding feast (Matthew 22:14). The Greek word for ‘called’ means ‘invited.’ He is saying that many are invited, but few actually make the choice to come. He says that many ‘were not interested’ in coming to the banquet. The Greek word says that they were ‘careless and paid no attention to the invite.’ The Greek word goes deeper to say that they found the invite to the wedding feast ‘rehearsal’ to have no value (Matthew 22:5).
Tag: Bride of Christ
Revelation Chapter 3 – Philadelphia
This is highest reward given to any of the seven communities. The believers in Philadelphia are not just invited guests to the wedding feast; they become the pure and spotless Bride of Messiah. They receive the Kingdom family name, the name of their Father –– yod-hey-vav-hey. They receive a new home in the heavenly New Jerusalem. They also receive the highest name of all –– the name of their Bridegroom, Yeshua, the King of Kings.
Hebrews 6 – Maturing in Messiah
The message of wisdom is for the mature who walk in the Spirit of God (1 Corinthians 2:4-6). God’s Spirit enabled Yeshua to walk in the wisdom of his Father. God’s Spirit gives the spiritually mature the same wisdom as Yeshua, the mind of Messiah (1 Corinthians 2:16). Wisdom is taking knowledge and understanding and acting on it. According to Hosea 14:10, the wise understand that the ways of Adonai are straight, and the righteous walk in them.