The instructions given to the Israelites are sometimes referred to as ‘The Mosaic Law.’ Though that delineation differentiates the Torah from other laws like man-made traditions or even the ‘law of sin and death,’ it has been wrongly interpreted to mean ‘the law that came from Moshe that has nothing to do with anyone who isn’t Jewish.’ In truth, Moshe was only the intercessor between Elohim and the Israelites and did not make any commands or instructions.
Tag: altar of incense
Parashah 20: Tetzaveh (You are to order)
The Israelites pounded olives from the olive tree to produce oil. When pounded, the olive loses its physical appearance and only its essence is extracted. Yeshua was beaten, lost his physical appearance, and his life essence was poured out; however, he was only one olive and it takes thousands of olives to produce olive oil. The Menorah, made of hammered gold, already symbolizes Messiah being beaten and bruised. To continue with honest exegesis, the olives beaten into the oil that give the Menorah the ability to shine in the darkness must be ‘someone’ different.