Would the early gentile disciples (God-Fearers) have continued to participate in pagan celebrations with their families after placing their faith in the God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob? Why would we WANT to celebrate holidays that are not in Scripture? If we have been granted a seat at Our Father’s table why would we want…
Category: Christmas
The Christmas Question
What are the roots of the Christmas season? Where did the traditions of Christmas originate? Why do wiccans and other pagans celebrate Christmas? Why does Santa Claus come down the chimney? Who is Krampus? Does God tell Christians to redeem the traditions of the world’s cultures? Is celebrating Christmas a sin for a follower of…
Christmas Carols and the Message
I grew up celebrating Christmas and singing all the the familiar Christmas carols. It has been many, many years since those days, however, while shopping recently I heard two and the familiar words made me stop and pause. Selah
Christmas is Not My Holiday & They’re Just Fine
Christmas is not our holiday. It just isn’t. It hasn’t been for over 30 years. It’s just that simple. Every year when one of my adult children says to someone who celebrates Christmas that they don’t, they are invariably asked, “How has that affected you?” making them feel like they have been deprived of something grandiose or that their parents are mean green ogres.